Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

sigh, guys its ok if you kill me i’d understand its just i don’t have much time to manage 2 games and i’ve been very busy for 2 days so, i couldn’t even read today

im so sorry but since we have the kanave’s results i need to VOTE: rover here

Holy fuck he is alive.


is my contributio nneeed

Good idea

Ah shit I thought I posted more than that. But the reason its been silent is because is jist confirmed and nobody has cc it. Now in hindsight nobody was gonna cc cus it would have just outed two mafia with one exe.

Wow even 15 is too low?

No thats alright, glory to town’s cop.

yeah its so weird that most of the vc are afk this game

you know i wasnt even talking in virtuous, life is boring honestly

my tinfoil is that frost wolf 103 is a wolf for saying ‘to town’s cop’ instead of ‘our cop’ where if town he automatically includes himself in the town faction subconsciously

The thing js after the out it stiffled game talk because we have an easy lynch. But the thing is mafia is going to be pushing…town is going to be oushing the same thing and nothing would have been gained. But power of hindsight so it doesnt matter much. Plus nobody wants to make a chain exe for tomorrow without a plan or idea.

what if i wanted to

can someone hammer rover we’re at L-1

Nooo i need my posts requirements (joking)

But on a real note I can if we really want because we have went nowhere and i have already done my “If im the vash” thing earlier.

If hitman is a public shot and we get told if the gun got fired I would look at frost…if it doesnt tell us about a shot at all then i have no fucking clue. But its a very biased against them but could be real if the world I built is real trying to prove myself in other ways than vibes.

Yknow what I’m not going to hammer toblet others do the same as me and just talk about just a tiny rhing they wanted to highlight of the game. Sureeeee i could just end it now but im not gonna. Who knows maybe something clicks.

ok so i am sheeping for today, well its not sheeping since kanave outs themself as cop