Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 5 (6/15)

As delusional as Frost’s logic is, I do think they very clearly believe in it, and thus are town

…Fucks sake. Caitlin.

IF the wolves were all off wagon D1, as in NOT on the top two wagons at EoD.
Then given that Sayno was yeeted and was Town, and given that FROM MY PERSPECTIVE I am Town, that means that the wolves are, in this hypothetical scenario, in those four.

Did you not see the posts just above showing how if the wolves WERE all on wagon, that they’d then be in the other eight? I was posting out loud in thread while considering wagonomics, not literally coming up with a full wagon placement spread on the spot.

Are you actually reading my posts?

Are you actually reading my posts is what I wonder atp

That would require you not to apparently misunderstand me at every turn.

Says the one misunderstanding me if you’re town

There reasons for basically saying they didn’t kill abi is weird

So weird theyre true

Oh you killed abi kill her!

I’m not trying to deny that IF the wolves all voted off-wagon then you’re right. It’s 3 in those 4.

I’m just trying to tell you THAT THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED

I tried to give arguments for why I don’t believe it’s a scenario that should be considered

Oh look, “it’s not the case that wolves were all off wagon”.


So I am not in fact misunderstanding you.


Oh i ment to respond to triss not caitlin initial lol

So what is the misunderstanding then

Oh look, more.

Yea cuz you disagreed with me on saying its not the case???

And you just say you did know what I meant???

So why did you disagree then if you knew what I meant?

Me: Not all wolves are offwagon

Triss: disagrees

Me: So you think all wolves were offwagon

Triss: What?! Do you even read my posts?!

I would very much appreciate it if you stopped assuming that I’m making wild accusations or weird unsupported claims. It’s annoying.

And I would very much appreciate if you stopped your constant condescending behavior and actually read my posts