Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 5 (6/15)

I’m voting Triss till one of us is dead bye

I disagreed because you insinuated that I was making it up due to, in your eyes, my apparent mafia status. Which would inherently invalidate that hypothetical world of “in these specific four that are not Triss or Sayno”.


Which as far as I"M aware is why you disagreed with that hypothetical to begin with.

I never even said that? I was literally assuming you were town while replying to you?

…Give me a moment while I find the conversation.

If I assumed you were mafia I’d say ‘or you’re mafia’ which I didnt do

I showed my PoV while assuming you were town

(I also even called your posting town p sure)

Assumes you’re town or I’d have pointed out the possibility you’re mafia

Gee, I wonder why I would read this as "it’s not the case, obviously, because I as Caitlin think Triss is mafia.

And here at the end of my posting bit I call your D2 posts townie

But… There’s literally an explanation below why I find it to not be the case… Maybe that’s why I obviously think so

I am going to take a shower, I’ll be back in like an hour, to presumably continue this conversation.

Whatever you’re probably town

VOTE: soweli







That exhance what im a bit taken back soinds like caitlin thought triss was scum cuz he didnt agree with her?

Let me reread this kuz not he top 3 town lol

I accused Triss D1 and not D2 and we’ve disagreed way more D2

I did accuse Triss very early D2 but that was before reading most of D2’s posts (I called Triss wolf early on at my catchup, and called them town at the end of it)

My Triss vote was mostly an emotional vote

What, because I think Caitlin is town in some way, could be wrong.

Had abby not rolled as medic, then she would have done 200IQ brain moment.

Day 2 Votecount

soweli (2): Frostwolf103, Caitlin
Frostwolf103 (2): gori, Kanave
SultanOfSlam (1): bystander

Not Voting (8): SultanOfSlam, Chomps, Memekingpizza, Canping, Triss, Kelsier, Rover, soweli
