Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 6 (5/15)

This game has been boring as all hell mybe we just want it to be over lol.

And sleep is fine i theory but 1 wrong vote gsme over

Then fucking vote me coward your reads if yoire town are not great lol

Lol youre reads and play have been si bad lol


i understand you’d like it to be over but don’t gamethrow lol
force wolves’ hand by making them kill someone else, use the nka and all past info to make a choice
if it’s wrong it ends faster so /shrug

Fuck it lets jaut end this damn game

VOTE: canping

well then
now both wolves stack and win if you’re v/v

Or you were all right an canping is scum play the game to be fun this game has been very boring
To many inactive impossible to play like this and it be all that fun

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so vote canping if you think he’s a wolf and don’t gamethrowe???
fun ≠ throwing ???

So you think canping is Town?

i think you just threw the game by voting there and still have time to unvote

How is it game throwing if we all think Canping is scum? And obviously scum isnt leaking if he is town.

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literally just unvote for safety
in the world where canping is v we all lose because you “play for fun”

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: maybe there was more to this vote… basically just town cleanred yourself for being so annoied by trying to progress the game

Rookies on FOL i tell you what

no smh

hey that’s rude

… 1 hour since my vote on Canping

this just means wolfteam (probably) isn’t within me/gori/bystander tbh

So canping and triss?

i mean
i’m lazily not against the vote just because like i decently enough think that triss & sultan are both town but i’m also not suuuper for it yet

Wait actually reading Gori poat it sound slike Gori knows im town.

Gori was pushing me as scum but is saying im throwing the game??