Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 6 (5/15)

ok nice words that are just words

post jumpscare i hate you host account 1

lol you ignore the possibility of sultan or triss being mafia

lmao even.

VOTE: slep

we should probably talk though

since we are talking anyways

Triss and i doing that as mafia would be interesting

I disagree with sleep beacuse all that happens is they probably just kill whos most seen town by everyone and we are back to this tomorrow with 1 wrong move gsme over

it doesn’t recqiure both of u to be scum

but that doesn’t matter

im just find it REALLY weird he didnt think of even the possibility at all

slightly tmi-ing

who wuld you kill then

can you clarify what you meant here

Well i was under the assumption the gsme would be over for me either way id probably die at night id imagine. Being mechanically cleared.

you arent mechanically cleared

Im cleared of being not the hitman by our vash and was scums lynch target day 1 maybe not 100% cleared but pretty darn close

this is what the mech tells us

can be hitman or gf

can be gf

that isnt mechcanilly cleared

i dont think you’re mafia but i dont wanna argue this rn.

you could also answer my questions pls

Im just saying im probably the msot likely to eat the NK at this point


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