Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 6 (5/15)

s@oweli who would you kill

snce i

This is just weird in general… sound slike wants to vote Frost but then votes with frost then juat gwts off canping to vote me again a non wagon at the time.

Also around the time i was like hey we could totally gwt frost.

Then we get to the point to get frost then bails its all kinda uhh whaa??


yeah i mean. it kind seems they werejust avoiding ending up on the wagon no matter what but


cause im supposedt obe good at reading gori but im like just. idk

like im tottering between if i should tr them or not

i kinda hate the eod stuff tho

it didnt really seem bad in the moment yesterday in real time

damn gori was offwagon every day except the red check

VOTE: Bystander

Not voting sleep, after yesterDay I don’t trust yall to handle it correctly.

Not that I;m going to be here for EoD regardless. Again.

lol why

Why the switch to bys?

I have classes five days a week. I’m in transit at 2pm my time when the Days end and start.

Why’d you think I went for /sub instead of /in

Canping impressed me more.

being town isnt about being flashy :clown_face:

i asked for the vote btw but whatever cause u responded to sultan

can u tell me why… instead of “canping impressed me more” isnt that already spoken when you swapped to me

Cannot tell if scum is palyong really good or so poor its impossible to decifer

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Because you were playing a turbo earlier today where you were perfectly capable of expressing yourself in a readable, grammatically correct, definite manner.

Frankly I have no idea if this is angleshooting. Shouldn’t be cause that’s usually about “I saw you elsewhere when you said you wouldn’t be” but shrug.

