Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Day 6 (5/15)

Isnt day over in like 18 mins

nah Wednesday

Ohh okay i read it as tomorrow as thw game was up yesterday meaning today

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nah there;s a thing at the top of the thread that counts it down for you based on timezone automatically

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I never noticed that and you are a life saver lol

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Valid logic.

I will note that people tend to see it as NAI, usually because there’s peeps who will complain regardless of if it’s a good look for them or not for various reasons, and players who are mafia tend to find it to be “too obvious”.
Buuuuut that means that people might take advantage of that, and use it as an easy out.

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Thats fair! I think my main issue is less on the complaining itself, and the dissonance between the complaint and not commenting on a single other push or genuine read in the thread. But I also get where youre coming from, either way id like to see their response before I push on it further!

Ahh now see that’s a cohesive argument. The addition of not really commenting on anything else is very much considered a generalized tell, since it’s harder to end up with genuine, “is this a thing” thoughts as mafia due to already knowing who is on which team.

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In fact on ISO I actually tend to agree with this read, so lets see.

VOTE: Canping

Hey Canping, come play with us.

,also seriously how do I multiquote here is my end just broken or…

Im not sure the tutorial didnt teach me that

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Has canpig played before?

Hit copy then qoute on what you wanna qoute


Highlight rather

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But you must add original content


Yo heck if I know. They’re not being obvious about it if they haven’;t though.

[quote=“Canping, post:175, topic:10009, full:true”]

Sum total of all Canping post thus far


Zenons Law!