Dust & Vashes (FoL) - MAFIA VICTORY!

I don’t know that I believe Sultan self votes D1 here, when everyone piled onto them, as maf. That’d be a brave play.

And I dunno that MafSultan votes Bystander if they’re also maf, off voting themself. That’s even more brave.

Pretty sure Sultan/Bystander just not W/W ever frankly. Unless you two have snowed the absolute fuck out of this game in which case grats.

Frostwolf just never moves off Sayno. hm

and was fast on voting Rover, which tbf Kanave started the day with the cop claim

Feel like MafFrost at least tries to selfpres vote D2…

that would leave Soweli, Gori, Canping, and Bystander.

@SultanOfSlam apologies if you’ve said today, but what’s your opinion on Soweli rn?

@Frostwolf103 Ay your other game done yet, if so or if not have you read?

this is 3 villagers

js go frost ur overcomplicating it bro

Note on Frost while my thought train is going: Why kill Memeking if Frost is mafia?
Memeking claimed vash’d on Frost.

Either Frost is Hitman, and knows Meme is lying somewhere, in which case why kill them?
Or Frost is Godfather OR Town, in which case Meme dying makes slightly more sense.

I mean this still questions why the hell the Hitman waited so long with a Vash in play, so like… weird. Meme claimed vash-ish before Caitlin died so also weird. They prioritized killing Meme, an mostly-unknown (number of posts) and kinda middle of the pack player (reads by others), over the confirmed Cop. the heck.

It’s possible the Hitman waited to try to get a last minute shot, potentially dooming Town, but that’s iffy and I doubt it.

It’s possible the Hitman didn’t know who they wanted to shoot yet. Feel like with a Vash in play that’s a terrible idea to wait for optimal target though, and not like they didn’t have a bevy of choices.

It’s possible the Hitman was just straight up missing for most of the action submission times for Day abilities. THAT is actually likely in this game tbh.

Asked if mafia teammates can submit actions for each other. Not sure if that’s angleshooting, so care how much you do stuff with that.

Gori has actually been here. Canping or Bystander could both absolutely fit this bill.

Though it should be noted that the hitman could have just forgotten to submit. That is also possible but I’d think their teammates would be on them about that.

Gori constantly assuming they’d be found Town could mean they’re Godfather, who expected to LHF into a cop check.