this is death calc if canping flips v
if canping flips w it’s 1v5 tomorrow where we get another miskill + sleep
And that is why this is time to swing for the fence. But meh im fine with canping but definitely think it be smart to try and go for a less obviously poe.
this is actually such a terrible post that it might warrant killing you if canping is w
Okay, why should I listen to Bystander and bus an wolf partner to save my skin, are you grinding your works?
Man yall are scared to actually plau mafia on this site. I made finals in Champs last year for taking chances.
we are literally never ever cfding from canping onto another slot are you insane???
VOTE: sultanofslam bad bad bad slot kill this
Tbh it does look pretty solid its probably juat goti Bys.
Fuck it
VOTE: gori
If Canping flips red then I look more clear, Bystander and Gori as well…begrudgingly
Lmao gori WIFOM
??? LMAO
my vote is on canping in spirit but actually what are you doing if you’re v sultan
Youre just scum here playing like you know Canping is v and trying to save Bys
Its you and bys final answer
VOTE: frost
Winning the game its you and bys
Canping parked the vote all day long, I don’t want to spend time on some ridiculousness now.
why do w!me and w!bys EVER defend ourselves that openly
if w i just let myself be bussed here and let bys endgame
ok now what
sultan why are you changing so many times lol im
why tf would w!gori go for you