Dust & Vashes (FoL) - MAFIA VICTORY!

I guess

Me to

Like that name im fine with him being exed /j

Oh Chomps is Bionic that exaplains a bit i litterally was like man Chomps seems so familiar but i never played with them

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I do love theatre

I would’ve guessed bunny tbh

I beleive the last 3 games ive played day 1 ax has been Pizza all 3 times

I always say champs is aboit being charming as hell


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Claim mafia as mafia is something ive done in the past i wouldnt put it past the godfather to actually claim godfather

@Chomps dont lie to me bud. Are you scum?

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I beleive you

Bunny gets miskilled in games we play together constantly day 1 also xD

I havent be murked by execution yet on this site. I have been shoved off a boat and killed but nothing else.

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VOTE: Canping

the cannon should continue. (!)

Also hi, i was afk for whole 10 hours

…post 157…
how the crap do I multiquote on here again?..

bleh I’ll just go one by one I guess.

wat, alts?

Cool, nice to meet you.

I mean, or it could be a genuine derp either way.