Dust & Vashes (FoL) - MAFIA VICTORY!

why so many bote

VOTE: Namesultan

You voted name how dare you vote name

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Also yeah red check on Rover

Hmm lol

Im thinking scum is probably within

ROVER - red check confirmed

Triss probably the most likely to be town

Bystander has been tunneled on my rhe whole game with 0 reason and tried to green check Rover early. Also been defending Kessler.

The connection makes sense

Triss is basically only listed as a read liat analysis but im not the greatest at those

Kessler does have the joke gf claim going for him

Sayno (3): Memekingpizza, Frostwolf103, Kanave
SultanOfSlam (3): bystander, Rover, Canping
soweli (3): Caitlin, SultanOfSlam, PrincessAbigail
Triss (1): Chomps
Chomps (1): Triss
Caitlin (1): soweli
Canping (1): Sayno

Not Voting (2): Kelsier, gori

Tbh would be hilarious if the entire scum team was on me at one point

Though tbf Kessler is an amusing misspelling

Looking at Bystanders posts…
@bystander Yo you ok? Dat’s a lotta typoes and shizz.

Gonna be out for the next like… 6 hours or so. Canpings the only one who’s not posted, though if they just noshow I’ll prob be fine voting Rover cause that just gets silly at that point.

Yeah… i wanted to drive discussion with Bystander but they ran away

yeeeee I see ya.

Whats your current World veiw?

Honestly it mostly hinges on whether the cop claim is real. At this point it most likely is, but I’m doing my usual what if thing and still creating scenarios of Kanave maf and this being a powerplay in my head.

Feel like at least one maf is paying attention and not literally afk, otherwise I’d expect the kills to make far less sense, though… I guess it’s been literally just “kill top poster” each Night so far so hm.

Looking back, Rover if Kanave is correct you reallllly shoulda played if off yo, 'stead a just a angel-coming-for-you gif. XD

Gori still just “playing mafia” annoys me.

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Soweli is more loose and calm than I think I’d expect for a teammate rn, so prob not them?

I really don’t agree with Caitlin on Kelsier tbh.

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Aight out, see yall later.