Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

What is your top 3 scum

everyone that isnt me

i agree so much this is true uh and that means i’m not town (yawn you seem too tunneled & I don’t have strongg enough reasons to bring you out of it)

i agree but it is a tad performative

ehhhh this is a consistent worldview but it’s pretty fakeable; go explain why you’re voting me please

skill issue (we’re not paired i promise)

gori/frost i’d vote frost but not confidently

abi realclaiming was expected

wait so you’re a wolf too wow this game is easy

Tbh, I understand where you are coming from as I read up, but I think applying pressure for more info is good, especially from frosts perspective where he said he didn’t believe Abbys medic claim, especially because it never evolved into a direct push

AndI also agree that your actions, in my opinion, dont seem very opportunistic at all, especially this early and how your explaining yourself

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Very Mindful, Gori

Okay but adding untop of this…. After reading more I explained His pressure push better than frost himself did.

Rather than explaining why he put pressure on abby he just… started talking about something kanave didnt even bring up, because she never said or even inplied he was responsible for Abby claiming, and than his entire rest of the defense is “har har im town and the people pushing me know that so watch out”

Have you looked back at my early posts and mocks Abigail for only picking me and nobody else?

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And then Abigail says I am no part of zenon’s law.

Like sheesh, antagonise harder while you are at it.

I am trying to figure out if you are town or mafia, now you are here:

What is your general thoughts after Sayno and PrincessAbigail, the PoE if you will?



Hello max

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hello werewolf janitor Kyle

Yeah still scrapping by to pay rent.

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Well its time to come online. In this mokent of time I have no idea what to believe but hey we can develop it right now. I think I fully understand why these two votes are basically the vote getters of this twenty four hours. I dont know if I want to do the same thing today of sort by post count…but we can talk about it.


wagon frost with me and win a pelt

But I already have my “confirmed” status from day 1…