Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

Gotcha! Tbh, I totally misread the tone of p#27 and thought you were being serious :sob::sob::sob: But I totally understand where you are coming from


My best girl is

hihi I forgot this started today, someone sent me a picture of a wolf in an unrelated meme and I remembered that I had a mafia game oops

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clicked 3 dots, click the link, and then just add that

if its on its own line it does that
you can also just qoute and that’ll have a link to it

message above this for you too, links on own line embeds them

feels like triss is just kinda popping in, comentary as opposed to reads and all that
VOTE: Triss
good enough for post 88

wow this entire day has been fairly bleh, lots of people popping in and saying next to nothing or giving slank warnings
@Memekingpizza you home yet? got any other thoughts on thread?
@Chomps HBU? Any thoughts on thread so far?
@Kelsier any thoughts? Maybe on the response to your claim

if yall want somewhere to start start with my read last post


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Correct answer is

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You’ve perfectly described my normal gameplay

If we talk about the non-muse girls I also really like Kanon and HERR!!!

Well I’m here now but with my deductions I think I might just have to start to say stuff arbitrarily to get this thread moving. Like something you are doing…but also to see what else I can do in mafia to help out us a whole than rather than me be fighting for my life since most of my games are usually people mafia reading me and escaping the maj then be socially town. But this thread state is not really there and this is day one. I know we have nothing but sometimes we have to act with conviction with really having true conviction. Like this statement I’m about to make by the end of day one I think sort post count and be mafia expert is going to get us somewhere.

Which I know is like yeah might as well but for the second execution I think look there. And yes I know by me saying that people are gonna be like why? I mean in the last game I played it would have helped so might as well use it to get this thread moving as a whole to get more chat to get more actions in this.

That’s the entire point of having 48 hours is so that if you are busy one day you have time to still play the damm game. I’m going to be using this for this first day to see where it gets me at the very least. Since someone is going to be mafia and be a low poster right?

Second best is

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Greetings, who dis

Are you asserting that mafia are inherently low posters?

There’s bound to be no? Sure it’s not fun but for mafia being quiet in the early day is one way to make it further one more day. Sure it’s still early to tell but if this mentality spreads over to the next half of the day. That will change the thread state to be more talkative rather than just sitting here and looking at each other and do something last minute and scramble and have someone lead a kill against someone which we all don’t agree on because it’s a plurality. Sure it’s going to be evil on this first day to say such things but I can’t keep such mentality if town doesn’t get a benefit for not exeing because by the end of the day if the hitman stays alive and loaded with bullets and they make it long this we have the same amount of days. So for them to go under the radar day one is a good place to hide from the first exe.

Sure me doing the day math assumes no medic saves/not stealing the bullets on a day. But we are going to exe and I rather this not be a last minute swerve.

Anything to make this chat more lively is a way we get more information with social to have something base everything off of.

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