Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

bet you it;s filtering for “only punctuation” and also possibly character minimum

VOTE: Unvote I’m going to hate myself if i was right about frost but I’m willing to take chomps of the board but not going to vote them because Im going to vote frost over chomps but town doesn’t want that so this is the compromise.

I do prefer Bys

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if it was frsot we can do them tomorrow

Bystander isnt null

im going to go play animal crossing now but i will be back 5 mins to eod

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Iiii may be being encouraged to go to Ikea to help a younger sibling with getting furniture. Unno if I’m going to disappear before actual day end.

*(The heck is Ubbo)

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VOTE: bystander im just sheeping for now ill move to break ties

If only Kelsier voted right

Then Bys would be topwagon rn


yeah that sucks

hi any thoughts

yall fail to read beyond your own pov


Bystander! Do you priortize executing Sultan over anyone else, yes or no? Do you got a check?

frost is town

are you the cop?

I’ve read you a few times at this point, and am having issues finding you town regardless.

i don’t confirm or deny that i’m cop

but frost thinking i am cop with a red check on sultan is the most uninformed thing ever
