Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)



Do people still have the same ‘uninformed’ read they had on Rover earlier?

I mean I already know the chance of you being right is pretty low, in the event we’re both town it’s.only 3/13

Why cant the interaction have come from TvT or SvS?

I would like to specify that I did NOT call the wolfclaim townie

I see some ppl say I did, but I never did, nor do I think it is

I specifically said it wasn’t wolfy and that I think it’s NAI (not alignment indicative)

I saw you say it!

And its the first townie thing you did tbh

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Well the second part that is

You’re the best mafia player!

I do think we’ve played before, the name Trisscar seems familiar to me at least

Might’ve been a while back though, 2021 & 2022 I barely played mafia, and if I did, I played on Discord

So if you already played 2020 and before that you might know me from then? I also played on FoL in January 2023 which is also a while back atp, maybe you were in that game

Not many

About 5

All on MU though not FoL

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Really not many tho I kinda stopped playing turbos since I’ve dated you

And even in the turbo champs which I did play I didn’t even play enough games to be on the leaderboard

A shame cuz I did win nearly all I played lol

Thank you

VOTE: Triss

Chomps is a good vote too

As much as I dont agree I feel like Memeking is obvtown

Can we watch dis anime sometime btw

Caitlin voted the other person not Gori!


@Kanave why did you ping specifically Chomps of the 0-posters? Reason I said I was fine with voting there was cuz I saw their response to your vote and assumed they had an unmemorable entrance post before that, because the others in your post did, but I just noticed Chomps has only posted once, so after your ping?


i was quoting this one

Chomps had posted before my ping, I went in top posters and pinged them bc they were the lowest at the time

these are joke posts according to what you’ve been saying, but i think that gori’s reaction was serious about you voting them


I forgot I did that honestly

Really? Can you link me to their first post then? Cuz the ISO for me doesn’t show any previous one

Now tbf, my connection is non existant