Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

Why are you caught red handed

You are a joke to the team, bud

Way to waste one of your 20 questions… (idk am sad :( )
19 questions left…

you cna hammer atp

I doubt we’re gettiing much

is it a mammal?

Youre a mammal!

(Bad joke in tired lol)

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Begore day ends @Kanave you should leave a legacy

I don’t get it, why are you voting Kanave instead of Rover?

i don’t have the time righ now

sure frost can also be a wolf (this is about #1929 but i don’t wanna reply and just remembred you can quote but that’s too much work)

pretty much unchanged from SoD unfortunately

I was worried this would happen if I early claimed but I also kinda have to bc there’s a dayvig and I was fairly high up as town i think

Canping should get subbed out/modkilled tonight so its basically just bystander and kelsier that I’m sus of, with the lower townies doubly needing to get checked. you’re still top town, Gori is a bit closer to null, shrug
maybe bystander looks a bit better because they have literally no idea what the fuck is going on but also like, i can’t give them that in good concience

Day 3 Votecount

Rover (4): Kanave, Frostwolf103, gori, SultanOfSlam
Caitlin (1): Rover
Name (1): bystander

Not Voting (5): Memekingpizza, Canping, Triss, Kelsier, soweli



great reads
i feel like i’m too split on frost but also there are better reasons to not kill bystander (why do you want to in the first place though?)

because bystander hasn’t done a single towny thing in this entire game

D3 Post count

@Memekingpizza (5)
@Canping (0)
@Triss (21)
@Frostwolf103 (9)
@Kanave (27)
@Kelsier (3)
@Rover (19)
@bystander (15)
@SultanOfSlam (32)
@gori (10)

Note: Posts must be related to the game to count towards the minimum quota.

yall we have 4 people not red and one of them is a outed wolf :sob:

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Question for all the lurkers out there say Rover is already dead who do we lynch today instead?

Km thinking Bys or Canping just for the state of the game Canping needs to go 6irl days with 0 posts