Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 5 (6/15)

Hmmmm okay

I didnt know you were generalizing me as an archtype

People in games like to pretend I’m easy to read and have clear towntells or I’m wolf

So I thought you were being like that, which felt strange to me

I ment the part about last game?

Did i mislynch you for similar reasons?

I do have better meta on bys btw uh i can’t explain it

also worth noting this isn’t a strict townread/ thinking they’re more likely to be town just like I could definitely convince myself they are town (which i would say applies to bys, jury’s out on gori)

You definitely were voting me for what i’d consider questionable reasons, don’t remember the specifics but

Id prefer if you explained why you think the people in your list are town simply because I do not know anyone😅

I do tend to vote for people who play like me since nobody does it so. Possibly

Oh right you reminded me there is an element of wagonomics & such where like I don’t think any of the big wagons are good which implicitly makes it more likely to be a deepwolf

(Disclaimer I am aware that this is NOT a strong argument nor does it logically follow that Caitlin is wolf or even that there is a deepwolf but another straw on the camel’s back or whatever (meant in the sense of "one thing out of many and not strictly in that the argument should norrmally be supported by some big point rather than death by a thousand annoyances))

I actually kinda agree? Like I don’t agree with the push sultan is making about abi having fluff, (this posting seems entirely normal for them, and even if we discount they’re fluff they’re overposting like half the game lol) Their frustration seems genuine, and Bystander just dropping a vote in seems fake af

Glad we can agree on something. Lol

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bystander - generally liked theirrnce and other solving looks (don’t want to say natural since i’ve been using that too much as a buzzword but like “similar to the thought processes I’d expect bys to have” which includes the gori wolfread

gori i kind of forgot but i liked their opening, felt very comfortable

uhh who else did i say
sultan just because they haven’t done anything egregious

& pizza for their most recent(?) post i liked the tream of conciousness both just because as a form it’s towny but also a lot of the individual thoughts made sense)


VOTE: sultan i’d like to vote sayno but he could be town and couldn’t post because they were being busy. i didn’t want it to be a 4v3 so it’ll be 3v3v3 for now

if sultan gets to be a top voted i’ll recall this vote

Kanave ive played with you before right? You had a different picture i beleive

were you unable to post today? its been a very while since i saw you

The funny thing is i actually kind of love this mostly beacuse i know ive done this myself

was kind of tempted to townread this but I think there’s an element in which i’d extend this further

Thank you!!!


the rough timeline was:

got home from school like friday? or ??? i forgot when phases are

and then was like “oh no i need to work on my essay” and then i hated that idea so much i didn’t want to do anything and hated everything and in my efforts to fix that i forgot about this game and then school was also different so i forgot to check on this)

was able to just forgot

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like there’s a specific extra level of nuance that i would add in that scenario and while it’s very likely you just like didn’t think of it/didn’t think it was worthwhile (which it very well might not be) it could also be that you’re ignoring that for the sake of the post

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oh thats why i recognised blue dragon, they’re using the actual Throne of lies terms GJHWJGHKADGHK

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