DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Kiiruma and Bylamir having a total 41 messages is concerning for the health of town

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like I have 10 times the messages of Bylamir :sob: :sob:

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Yeah, having only 30 posts does do that

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30 times the ammount of kiiruma basically too

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reads list update


Meme (very close to being town)
Apo is losing stocks because what is this vote girl

Kork even though heā€™s trying to start beef with me for what
Kiiruma but boy wake up


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Hey, no death last night huh?
I couldā€™ve been the cause of that but I think itā€™s slightly unlikely.

How come Hazard is scum? I havent seen much about them

speak of the devil

I already mentioned why but lemme go find the actual post so I can explain it better now that Iā€™m not backreading

me writing three things at the same time this is peak adhd

so sorry to my schoolwork Iā€™ll write yā€™all over the weekend I swearā€¦

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Iā€™m too tired to go and search, but I think Hazard was one of the people following along in the end-game with the votes occuring. Sorry my words are kinda gibberish bc sleepy. I can clarify more tomorrow

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this post was weird in the sense that like
I donā€™t agree but I also didnā€™t understand what he said and I asked and his response was

and the best way I can describe my problem with this is I guess ā€œthat doesnā€™t sound like a description of a townie so why do you expect it from town Kiirumaā€ (ex. ā€œtheatricā€ is usually used to describe wolves, and obviously reactions and stuff being ā€œfakedā€ is usually attributed to wolves) but it also doesnā€™t fit what I know of Kiiruma? Kiiruma has never seemed ā€œawkwardā€ to me, town or otherwise, but maybe itā€™s the tism

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It is 6AM, the only reason I am up is because I was gaming.
Yes I realise I have an issue.

I have a mechanical explanation for the night of no death.
But I feel like if anybody has anything more plausible Iā€™d trust it more.

please do

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I donā€™t see this as an issue unless you have a commitment tomorrow, otherwise do what makes you happy :+1:

Iā€™d love to hear that if youā€™re willing to share but Meme claimed to protect Marl last night and Marl is very much consensus town so it tracks

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This is a solid read. I donā€™t know Kiiruma well, but it does seem weird :thinking:
Will try to look at it again tomorrow when I have a brain cell (if I remember to)

Will do it tomorrow if I remember

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All Iā€™d say is if maf targeted me for the night kill it might not have worked.
Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™d like gain a buff if doing a slank kill or something :man_shrugging:
I donā€™t want to say too much jic of anticlaim stuff