DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Ping me like crazy if I don’t remember. It will probably slip my mind because tomorrow is a busier day for me

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I have a lot going on tomorrow too, but I’ll see what I can do to be on
plus I have an rp on saturday but I’ll be on for eod

my life is so hectic rn idk why I do this to myself LOLLLL but also sitting around doing nothing makes me want to die

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I don’t think there’s a single person in thread who has you above null rn there’s no way they tried to kill you

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they’re gonna anticlaim Meme tonight he just full flavour claimed a protective role LOL

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I read a lot of stuff out of order earlier bc I was playing Overwatch and reading during queues. I also like misinterpreted their interaction with Kana which didn’t help my understanding at all. I still don’t think I understand what went down tbh. Head empty :sleeping:

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I realised when I read the rest of the conversation but it didn’t feel like a good use of a post to be like “oh nvm you get it now”

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Maybe they just wanted to relax at the start isntead of insta diving in haha. I dont know Kiiruma much so I cant exactly say too much about it

especially when I had already made a post only to see you had made the same idea post already TWICE

Maybe I’m tripping, but didn’t this happen in the more recent Purgatory game? I actually don’t even remember who scum was in that game, but you saying this feels like deja vu :thinking:

This is an interesting statement :thinking:

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it was Achro, she who shall not be named, and a hydra of Hazzy and Story

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all I remember that game is that I was awesome


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Is my bestie cancelled??? They were like a huge inspiration for me in my first FOL game :c

the other scum in that game was Doodle on RawkHawk

Oh wait my dumbass didn’t see the comma :skull:

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This is a sign that i should go to bed. Good night chat

proceeds to close thread but not go to bed


yeah I was boutta say
Achro is not a woman :sob: :sob:
at least I don’t think he got hit with the trans beam