DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Mfers out here EEPING.

Though tbf, it is late for them.

Eeping is the natural state of things


I am not going to be eeping for a while bc didney time

I thought the natural state of things was solid. Or at least of us.

Donā€™t talk to me if youā€™re liquid or gas (plasma is allowed tho)

Anyway what kinda diddley knee you talking?

Disney world

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Please :pray: Watch yo step.

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Have fun but Iā€™m also so sorry you have to go to Florida

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Steal a mascot head for a souvenir

Iā€™m sorry to say

I live in this hellstate

I hope you get better

One day


I typically do dumb shit when its late and Iā€™m tired af

Tbf, Peach and I have also acknowledged that we wouldā€™ve attacked Marl. It is most optimal if Marl is town (which seems very likely). Therefore, it isnā€™t fair to use this against just Arturo

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Okay we had the same thought lol

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Ik this is a hypothetical about Korkā€™s comment, but I would not be on your ass this hard if I was wolf partners with you XD

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Again, I want to hear from Bee because I have a bad feeling that something is amiss. If their claim doesnā€™t match what Iā€™m suspecting though, then yeah we can yoink 'em

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I have mentioned this before, but I feel like the less invested Bylamir is invested in the game, the more likely they are town. Ik itā€™s bad, but based on my past game with them, they were barely active and were town. Ofc, I would love to hear more from Bylamir, but that is my general thought atm

Okay I have reread this now that Iā€™m more awake, and yeah it does seem odd. The first post gives me the vibes that they had one reason for calling them sus and decided to change it up but forgot to edit part of the postā€”leaving us with a contradictory statement. I think back to my Tempo submission where I forgot to edit my previous explanation in the mermaid round and blended it with my current one and flopped :skull:

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So it seems like there are 2 possible realities atm:

  1. Bee attacked Marl.
  2. Mafia attacked Kiiruma, and Bee is just a random visit on Marl.

Given Beeā€™s silence though, it doesnā€™t look good for them.

I still have a theory, and I intend to vocalize it at a later point.

Unrelated, but I suspect there are more role-blockers than those who have claimed. I will elaborate on this as well at a later date :+1:

(I hate autocorrect on mobile)

Hello I recommend reading my messages this morning because it explains WHY I was less invested!

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