DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

As in most of the fights I remember actually partaking in have been on FoL

This might be influenced by how FoL is the only real community I play normal games in.

I mean we had “me vs bylamir” for a bit

Maybe but consider


Fifty posts in order to become the top poster

Gonna be gone the whole day just to still be the top poster /jk

But lets be honest if bee makes a statement what do i mean if. I MEAN when they make a statement much discussion will follow and might end with everyone fighting

Not actually likely to happen because lol lmao


When was that? I forgor

But if bee does hang i think i perish at night which isnt great but hey i did my job

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You commented on it about people not reading on FM

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The greatest honor in a mafia game is being the first night kill

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Means you were simply too stronk


I probably did and then promptly forgot. My apologies


Holy shot i quoted something correctly

Congrats :partying_face:
