DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

specifically the “lol misyeet marl amirite” bit is something a lot of wolves do when i push on them early and just try to play it off as me being bad

Arty and Eliza both in scummy is interesting

But this reads list as a whole is Pretty Good

its not really me trying to gain his trust, I just at that time didnt want to have him call me wolf for the fact of me usually answering yes to that question as a joke lmao

She seems way more aggressive than I remember

This is sort of my exact vibe for Kana as well

Or well

“Got a good early game vibe, but I almost expect to flip wolf for whatever reason” is the exact read I have on her

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there are some obvious contradictions in it if you read it as bottom 3 = wolves, one above = neutral
i’m also missing some people who havent checked in and bee

i dont think eliza and guava are specifically aligned, but i also dont think it’s impossible
arty did mention his bus right before voting eliza :joy_cat: :towncred:

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Understandable, have a good day

That’s fair. It just feels like you’re extra paranoid now. Like rn it’s kinda the meme phase where people just vote ppl for shits and giggles. I don’t think Arturo is actually accusing you. Essentially, I feel like you’re on high guard when I feel like Town Kork would get more defensive if you felt like Arturo actually suspected you. Sorry if I worded that weirdly

yeah her not having any townreads is not surprising it’s just the fact that she went that hard on something that small for meme while completely missing what he was saying is the biggest red flag for her


Building Warhammer Models is utter purgatory

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To clarify, the town defensiveness would come later than it is now

It takes me several minutes just to attach to a guy his gun and his arms


He isn’t accusing me right now, yes, but in pervious games I have claimed yes to the question he immediately uses it, pushes me, and I get out most of the time lol

and this is usually due to me forgetting to log on

yeah but when they are done they look sick

the true FM struggle

remembering the game exists

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I have that problem too many times

i didnt include bee or peach in my reads at all because nothing really left an impression on me for either of them yet

Drinks (2): Marluxion, Apocryphal
Memekingpizza (2): Kanave, ElizaThePsycho
Kanave (1): Memekingpizza
ElizaThePsycho (1): guavagudetama

(vc at time of this post)

do you have another wagon that you would prefer? i’m assuming you’re refering to drinks and meme with ‘either’

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