DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I have a few things that I would pick up on her being either alignment but I haven’t seen those traits come out enough to strongly say one way or another this game.

i think if peach is a wolf both drinks and meme are probably second hand cleared

How come?

the post i just quoted
it doesn’t make peach a wolf, but think of it from the perspective of them being a wolf
knowing both wagons are town, there is an implication of them knowing both top wagons are town and they dont want to get their hands dirty and draw attention to themselves

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also they only mentioned those two wagons and not either of the others? if you’re a wolf and a teammate is one of those two my first instinct at least is to try to draw more attention to the lower wagons to try to get people to shift from my teammate

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i would still rather not we’ve talked about flavors but I suppose Im 400 messages too late for that one

Man I never think about those things, I’m like D tier thinking about reads while you on S tier. Can you give me materials so I can level up my traces :sob:

a very very common wolf strategy is to just play like you’re pro-town so you dont get killed
call good reads good and disagree with ones that are wrong even if you have no real reason to

that way when they are right they can go “look, i wolfread that person!” or “dummies, i told you they were town, why didnt you listen…” and rake in free :towncred:


unfortunately i’m out of trailblaze power :pensive:

:boom: FLAVOR JUMPSCARE :boom:



VOTE: Drinksfire

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wait FUCK thats not your name LOL

actually even better

rake in free schoolbus?

Town Credit

emote is named towncred
it says towncred on the bus :joy_cat:

Oh im on mobile I cant see the name of emojis I think, atleast I tried and nothing happened

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also just because i’m thinking these things doesnt even mean i’m right necessarily
my top 3 town could all be wolves or peach is literally aligned with both meme and drinks and i’m just completely wrong

It makes sense if you think about playing the game from the evil’s POV. Honestly easier to play thinking from the opposition’s perspective than from your own half the time.

But, that does sound like a plan that has holes. Cant people eventually catch on your… too dead on everything? Like you know too much?