DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

This was…exhausting

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It was more me trying to get into Apo’s head and figure out why she was pushing off Eliza
I actually have a very very small scum ping on Drinks I can find the post later but I wanna finish backreading

Cuz the post I was responding to the convo was like

Marl or whoever: I wanna flip Eliza
Apo who was voting Drinks: okay but what does that give us
Me: well like nothing but does Drinks give us any more info

It’s a neutral statement but I do tr Marl and Kana is a tl rn

I haven’t seen many people say anything about either of them. If I recall correctly, Hazard had a soft suspicion on Kiiruma, and Peach had a soft suspicion on Bylamir. Aside from that, nothing much. It’s hard to read people who aren’t as active in thread

Sorry I worded that wrong. They told me that they could claim (if I recall correctly), but they never actually did. My bad

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This is close


Town Lean

Kork you clocked that LOL


Scumlean but like more than the other two

Merpy but this readlist work you’re doing is giving me a little doubt

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Oh that’s not

And then I clarified that I didn’t see the second half of her message. We have different vote ideologies. This doesn’t change your read in the slightest? I say this because, based on this response, I can’t tell if you realize this or not

Okay. I definitely see this now as you haven’t seen the full picture. No worries. I’d recommend backreading that section. I can offer further clarification if needed

I saw that post, and I don’t think it changes my opinion

It’s not that you have a different vote ideology, but the way you reacted to her saying “I voted Kork because I don’t like his posts” by essentially saying that was bad is crazy because that’s kinda how we find wolves :sob::sob:

Like if I vote someone because I think they’re a wolf and you say “no we should vote this 3-poster” I’m going to think you’re a wolf

Me asking for Kana’s explanation WAS my question for her to elaborate. My response was in relation to her answer. Granted, I did not see the second half of Kana’s resposne and I have already acknowledged this. But yeah Kana gave an answer I disagreed with. There wasn’t anything else that Kana could’ve elaborated on. She explained why she was voting, and that’s that. Again, I didn’t have the full message when I sent the GIF. Replying to a message blocks the bottom half of thread, so I just saw the first message and went “pardon??”

Also, the “silly gif” is an intentional bit I’m doing for this forum specifically (the notebook bit). It has to do with my character I randed. I wanted to hint toward it since D1, so it’s more apparent that I’m not fake-claiming. To clarify, it’s not changing at all how I act. I am responding to info as normal with the exception of occassionally adding this: :spiral_notepad:

Again, my intention isn’t to sway you to trust me. However, it really feels like you’re distrusting me because you’re not seeing the whole picture. If you do see the whole picture and still distrust me, that’s a different story.


Again, I don’t think it’s bad that they wanted to use their vote that way. I reacted in a dramatic way because my impression at the time was that Kana was practically throwing away her vote. Keep in mind the only explanation I saw was: “It’s only one vote”. I was like genuinely shocked because like I know Kana is better than that (hence the reaction). This whole vote thing isn’t something I really suspect Kana for (if that is the impression you’re getting). I have different reasons to suspect Kana, but it is not the vote pressure like I initially thought at the time

To add to this: Yes, I don’t think it’s bad (like game-strategy-wise). However, I felt as though there were better uses of the vote pressure. This was me voicing a disagreement rather than calling them scum outright

Good aftermorning Mud- I mean Invitational Thread


Like I said though, if your thoughts don’t change after knowing this, fair enough. I just want you to have the full picture

My goal for the next hour or so is to analyze Bee, Kanave, and Merpy in addition to whatever else I spot on my way through them. As I’d scrolled down to get here I saw Eliza was still going hard on people so the temperature there is staying hot :tolt:

Looking forward to your reads drinks ire