DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Hopefully someone doesnt steal a certain thing from me

What? My vote has LITERALLY never been on you

I have a question if you’re all right with it given this sentiment.
Do you believe my analysis of your current portrayal thus far is accurate? If not, do you believe I am misrepresenting you maliciously (assumedly as a setup by an evil player)?

Sorry thats at like 4 in the am for a lot of us >.<

@ whoever implemented the spellchecker on this website it flags assumedly as an incorrect spelling
I’m coming for you :axe:

Is this post a perspective slip?
Merpy brings up W/W and W/T but not T/T huh

Oh sorry thought u did vote me. Sorry I’ve had to go through a ton of info today. Regardless, I would like to hear your updated thoughts on both me and the game as a whole.

like thank you LOL

That’s because I was trying to give a hypothetical where it wasn’t T/T for the sake of explaining. A T/T hypothetical wouldn’t have helped my explanation.

I feel like its just something you got to learn to read, I’m still pretty bad at it myself

As I mentioned, it was a hypothetical. Notice the “for example”?

Right, you claim that this is a hypothetical, but this is a crazy hypothetical is it not?

“We Disagree, so lets assume one of us is evil”

It was a hypothetical to give them an idea of what could be sus. It’s not an end-all-be-all. Look at the context it was in: Bee was basically saying people were suspicious for merely debating (which is VERY false). So I wanted to give a hypothetical that would serve as an EXAMPLE of when to cast doubt. I never once said this was reality. I appreciate you trying to game-solve, and I don’t mind talking about this, but this is all there is to it.

Hazard’s actually a TL, Kork is more a scum lean, you’re in Scum Lean, Eliza is also probably up in scum lean. That’s why I usually just make a PoE early game, I don’t really have a strict order for anyone yet

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Process of Elimination

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Why is peach so high? I think she’s the one i want dead the most today

I want to do a deep dive on you sooner than later but now everyone’s showing up in thread
be less active raaggh ragey :bangbang::bangbang: :angry:

There’s no point in making a hypothetical “If Arturo and I were good” because that is the default you assume everyone is at before diving into the what-ifs of people being evil. Acknowledging cases where one or both people in a relationship can be evil is a pro-good method of someone defending their case.

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Won’t Execute Today

Might Execute Today


Willing To Execute Today

I’m worried this list is kidna just “sort by experience” with apo and Marl both top, which isn’t great

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