DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I don’t know how it would get turned against you. I am just kinda typing words and accidentally said the wrong thing. That can’t be used as an argument against you. I mean, I’d understand if it’s used against me, but I can’t see it being used against you. People will probably claim it’s a POV slip but frankly my mind was just tunneled on thinking you were a wolf so I put “wolf” instead of “town”


@ElizaThePsycho you havent been in thread for like 20 hours i dont think? where are you?

ugh eliza’s last bee read is so bad

it’s just as bad as the meme read

This is probably the most damning thing about her, and if Guava flips town, I will avenge him and tunnel Eliza to death

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I think there is much less to be gained from cutting Arturo here.
Eliza is so deep in my suspicion radar that I would have difficulty putting any value into what she offers going forward. Arturo, good or evil, will provide more if we keep him alive and make a decision on a future day.

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presuming both have equal odds of flipping wolf you are correct

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Has Eliza experienced low wim before in town games? Like has Eliza ever just up and left like this before? From the few games I’ve played with them, it feels out of character, but I just want to make sure

I specify town games because this is wolfy behavior. However, I want to know if she has ever done this in a past town game of here before

Well no shit that’s not a defense, I’m not stupid. I hadn’t read anything after my last post didn’t know you wanted smthn from me

I think her saying Kanave was suspicious for… her vote reasoning, even now knowing it was just based on Kana saying “it’s just one vote” is still like really weird because I feel like that’s pretty valid

I also hate this post, it implies that we’re like for sure t/w if I keep pushing her but if she’s town she knows that there’s a chance we’re t/t
But since she’s a wolf subconsciously she knows we’re t/w, she’s just pretending like it’s flipped the other way

Those were the two things I remember off the top of my head, I haven’t ISO’d her or anything

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I literally think Eliza is scum anyway I’m more than fine with her dying I was just also expressing a different read at the time because someone @Apocryphal was saying I was tunnelled

With love, Arturo, I have told you already that this was a hypothetical. I explained to Kana as well that I just used you as an example of what a T/W scenario could look like. I never once said this is what was happening (at least not in that post).

You’re tunnel-visioning on that like it’s a read but I have made it apparent it’s a hypothetical/example

I can’t think of a game where Eliza wasn’t low wim


Oh really? Huh :thinking:

it is a huge shame that kii just like fell off the face of the earth

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especially after he did what i interpretted as a towntell

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In other words, I have scum-leaned you, but it has nothing to do with that example post I made
