DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

As the days trickle by and the school’s halls reveal little, a sense of stagnation settles over our collective endeavor. Yet, amidst the mundanity, a peculiar discovery emerges. On the second day, nestled inconspicuously amidst the tables of the cafeteria, a book is unearthed. Its presence draws the attention of our wary eyes, each page turned unveiling a sinister truth.

Within its weathered pages lie the remnants of our surroundings, twisted and distorted, bearing the scars of destruction. Room after room, each familiar space is rendered in a state of ruin, a chilling testament to a bygone era. Etched upon its yellowed parchment, a date of ten years prior looms ominously, casting a pall of uncertainty over our present reality.

As the last page is read and the book is put back down atop a table the TV of the main room roars to life.

On it a face seem before Vel


Vel Screen

Esteemed Participants,

As we progress through our trials, it has become evident that a new motive is necessary to stimulate intrigue and ensure the continued vitality of our game. Therefore, I present the book you have already read to you and a proposition that shall challenge the very foundations of your trust and cooperation.

Henceforth, I propose the implementation of a collective vote, wherein all participants shall have the opportunity to cast their ballot for an individual they suspect of colluding with the esteemed host, myself. This vote shall not discriminate; whether the accused is truly in league with me or not, the consequences shall be the same.

Should the collective vote yield a consensus, the accused shall face immediate execution, regardless of their innocence or guilt. Let it be known that the stakes of our game have risen, and alliances may prove to be as precarious as they are advantageous.

Choose your allegiances wisely, for the shadows of suspicion now cast their veil over all. May the wheels of fate turn in your favor.

Vel Out… and the announcement cuts to static

Silence runs across the room and eyes dart side to side who can you even trust… can you even trust yourself?

As the day passes the hold of the vote lands there is mixed thoughts

“Should we be striking first?”

“What if they are innocent are we any better then them?”

“They don’t think we would do this so WE MUST VOTE.”

It ended with more votes then not some people making deals others begging to be spared. In theend the vote ended where people thought a threat was likely to lie after all who else but you?

Tsuga Isono The Ultimate Hitwoman


But you arn’t just that you were harnishing energy from the past. From the game from the book and you were voted just like she was. Such a shame really but this experiment is on the right path this time so let’s begin your Execution.

The execution takes place in a dimly lit chamber resembling a maze of shifting walls and corridors. At the center stands a towering structure resembling a clock tower, its hands frozen in time.

As Tsuga Isono is brought into the chamber, chains bind her wrists and ankles, restricting her movement. Surrounding her are larger-than-life images of her past victims, their accusing gazes haunting the space.

Suddenly, the walls of the chamber begin to shift and rearrange, morphing into a labyrinthine maze. Tsuga’s heart races as she realizes she’s trapped within her own game. The air fills with the echoing tick-tock of the clock tower, each chime a grim reminder of her dwindling time.

With a surge of adrenaline, Tsuga begins to navigate the maze, his instincts sharp and senses heightened. But with each twist and turn, she encounters holographic projections of her past targets, each one mocking her failure to escape the cycle of violence.

As Tsuga delves deeper into the maze, the walls seem to close in around her, the path growing narrower with each passing moment. She frantically searches for an exit, desperation gnawing at her resolve.

Finally, Tsuga reaches the heart of the maze, where the clock tower looms ominously overhead. With a final burst of determination, she ascends the tower’s spiraling staircase, the hands of the clock ticking ever closer to her demise.

At the pinnacle of the tower, Tsuga is met with a blinding flash of light as the clock strikes midnight. In that fleeting moment, she sees the faces of her past victims one last time, their accusing stares piercing her soul.

And then, in an instant, the tower crumbles around her, engulfing Tsuga in a storm of debris. As the dust settles, all that remains is a shattered hourglass, its sands of time forever stilled.

The execution concludes with a somber note, a reminder of the inevitable fate that awaits those who live by the blade. In the end, Tsuga Isono’s legacy is etched in the annals of history as the Ultimate Hitwoman who met her end in the labyrinth of his own making.

ElizaThePsycho was Angie Yonaga a member of Town


Night has started and ends at 2024-04-19T02:00:00Z

Actions must be submitted by 2024-04-19T00:00:00Z

After the execution concluded, a heavy silence fell over the dormitories as the participants retreated to their rooms. In the wake of the verdict, a sense of unease lingered in the air, overshadowing the collective consciousness. As they grappled with the gravity of their actions, whispers of doubt permeated the corridors. Had they truly acted in the pursuit of justice, or had fear and paranoia clouded their judgment? The weight of their decision bore down upon them, a burden too heavy to bear.

In the solitude of their chambers, many participants wrestled with their own demons, questioning the righteousness of their deeds. Were they any better than those who had ensnared them within these walls? Had they succumbed to the same darkness that now threatened to consume them?

Yet amidst the turmoil, a sliver of hope remained. Despite the simmering tensions and the specter of betrayal that loomed overhead, no one had dared to strike yet. It was a fragile peace, but in the tumultuous landscape of this killing game, even the smallest reprieve was a precious gift. And so, as the night stretched on, everyone found solace in the fleeting respite, clinging to the hope that perhaps, against all odds, they could defy the fate that awaited them.

No one died last night.


Day will start on thread open all feedback should be out if you recieved non and should have let me know.

I am pre setting up the votecount


This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.


is no deaths normal?

God no

Not in any of the games I played. I’m going to wait a bit to speculate to see if someone claims anything

then the next question. Is there a reason to sink in this moment

Either someone got protected, a wolf got roleblocked, or some other shenanigans happened

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Not really. I mean its not the most common thing in the world

All I know is that I’m full of burger, Eliza’s wagon was bad and everyone on it should feel bad, and that this irl day has been so stressful for me (driving long distance sucks balls and having to scramble to find lodging for the weekend because of a miscommunication also sucks balls)

Wym oooop

This is basic ass mafia theory as to why no one died

Protection, blocking, shenaniganry

One of those three

By all rights I should be going to bed bc I have to be up at six tomorrow for Didney but nya
