DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Ight fair enough i guess.

That’s fair. I think for me it was his distrust on me. It felt like Arturo was clinging on to his suspicion for me because he didn’t have anyone else in the moment that he’d be able to push on without it feeling more forced. He mentions suspecting Drinks and Hazzy, but I don’t recall them mentioning this prior to the read list. Drinks and Hazard also haven’t done anything to raise any red flags atm. If it’s a matter of being unactive, I feel like people like Bylamir should’ve been lower. (I know I’m town, but I’m not going to force that POV bc I hate when other ppl LAMIST, but it’s worth stating). So, FMPOV, there’s 2 townies in Arturo’s lowest scum reads and then 2 people that I felt like were semi-townie in the last day phase. The read list feels a bit off tbh. Would love to hear your or anyone else’s thoughts on it.

Aside from the read list, I do still find our interactions earlier odd. I referenced it before, but it was about hyper-fixating on the hypothetical. Additionally, the fall-off of Eliza was odd. It’s possible that wolves realized Eliza was going to be pushed for a lack of an explanation, and Arturo chose to step off to seem more townie when they eventually got voted. If I recall correctly, at the time Arturo stepped off, several people were jumping on Eliza for not having an explanation to their read

Who do we THINK got attacked last night.

I can understand your suspicion, but I would never open-wolf. That’s not my style. Plus, open-wolfing is just inherently bad bc, if either of us would flip wolf, the other is immediately outed. I do appreciate you analyzing our interactions though and trying to piece things together. Being an active reader rather than passive is a good sign :+1:

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It’s possible evils just chose not to attack, right?

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Or theres as Apo said. Shenanigans

Anyway Im just asking and Ill just put it out there why.

If I was wolf, I would attack marl if marl was not wolf, no offense, but Marl seemed to very much be on the right track and had good reads last time. And Marl was also pushing into me, and publicly saying they wanted to kill me last night, so if Marl DID die it would likely look more suspicious on me than anyone else

And so I ask because Last night I watched Bee visit Marl, so do with that as you will.

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Although, I can’t really think of a reason as to why they would choose not to attack

Oh yeah I would’ve stabbed Marl like 1 million percent

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This early tho?

Yeah that’s why I feel like it’s unlikely. Not attacking here is unoptiminal imo. The only reason I could think of a no-attack is if like Marl is wolf, and they don’t want people saying “why isn’t Marl dead?” (would lead to them being pushed)

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Oh my dumbass didn’t read this part. That’s…interesting

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i feel like thats too… tinfoily


Idk what you mean by “tinfoily”, but this exact same situation happened in the one game where I was town in F3. It was the game where it was me, Zorvo, and Magnus

(Sorry I edited my post even though it was already correct. Am tired)

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Like, Seems outlandish? seems very unlikely.

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I mean, maybeeee. We’ll have to see what happens

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wild final three.
zorvo living that long is amazing


My main reason for bringing it up was because of personal experience, but I can understand it sounds crazy. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t lived through it XD

Feels like a realization out of a movie

Should we ask Bee what their claim is? I think, by asking, we have the potential to clear 2 townies, but then I’d imagine we lose one of them tonight

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