DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I don’t really know what is most optimal here. I wanna say get the claim out because I feel like if we never claim, we won’t be able to figure out what happened

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I am insinuating that I think it was a night-protect here. No, this is not a POV slip. I just refuse to believe Marl is mafia. I am dead set on this reality

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Like they are the person I see most actively trying to solve the game. If they’re mafia, we’re doing something wrong XD

Alternate possibility is bee attacked marl who got protected

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I should’ve mentioned this in the above post, but another subconscious contributor to me thinking it was a night protect was that Bee is like in my top-town read people. Considering they suspected you on your flavor character, they seem way too misguided to be in a mafia chat. If they are in a mafia chat, then they’re big-braining it by playing dumb. I don’t buy that reality though

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Good morning

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I think the only way Bee is mafia here is if they’re being coached by fellow mafia to cause distractions, but I find it unlikely

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And everyone cheered

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Clearly, you’re scum because you’re not acknowledging how the scum team wouldn’t feel this way :nerd_face:
This is a joke XD

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Remember when I told you that if you didn’t like Eliza’s wagon you should start up a counterwagon instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs

Or they are actually mafia, and are not being told stuff on purpose to be more believable

Like girl get out of our faces

guavagudetama (1): Apocryphal

Not Voting (12): guavagudetama, Marluxion, Kanave, Kork, Bylamir, Hazardwaste, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, Drinks, PrincessPeach, Memekingpizza, BeesWax

Reminder Hammer is 7 votes.

Wow, look at you, taking initiative

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I disagree. I would push Eliza any day of the week. Of course, we see they are town in hindsight, but they were not acting townie whatsoever. There were no social tells to determine Eliza was town. They didn’t do anything to mark themselves as town in my book


And Eliza flipping town makes me scum how? Because her read was bad and I called it out?

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That’s what I theorized, but it feels way too exaggerated to be coached tbh. I don’t think any mafia would tell Bee to accuse someone based on their character choice

You explained this earlier but I want you to explain it again because I didn’t really get it the first time

Oh Marl is locktown btw