EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

which one of you fellers is the real dirty dan

We can have four people in the final 3 thats fine


If it does get to final 4 thats so beefy when only 1 person loses

Its more likely to go from ljke 7>3 or soemthing tho cuz everyonell have loe health

honestly the boldest assumption is that the final 3 is actually going to contain 3 living players

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if theres less than three living players, the remaining living players win
or universal loss condition

If im in final 4 my aim will be for other 3 ppl to die at same time so i claim sole victory

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This is probably all wolf theater. Hippo, Italy, and Scorbunny probably have a final 3 alliance going. :ayaya:

i think this requires italy to have a chat w me and for hippo not to ghost me

I dont ghost u when u say something relevant

But when u say like “true” or like a one word post that is just a natural conclusion to conversation

i would accept this as an answer if i went back and saw that the “natural conclusion” to our last chat wasnt literally me offering you what we had discussed prior and you ignoring me since phase start!


instant dl in 1 minute phase dl an hour after that

reminder that i’m not taking late actions this phase if it’s not in by then it’s not in at all

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i need more lemonade

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why did u like that magnus
i am trying to get drunk and i need more lemonade to do so

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Lemon Lime Bitters?

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what kind of bougie ass shit

i am an adult
i do what i want

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I hear jello can also help atleast I heard