EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]



days about to end
anyone want to disclose their alias and all their abilities?


hey guys im-

gn pubchat
im gay

night everyone!


Hey Atlas, I’m t—



That’s all for Night 3!

(hi i know we’re late, things are being processed now, night start hopefully upon the hour?)


hi okay

due to host scheduling and other related issues twilight is being extended 24 hours, game will resume 2022-08-18T02:00:00Z



Results will be sent over the span of the next 40 minutes, then phase will start on time, unless major issues come up during results

Night 4 will still be 48 hours, but will likely be the last night that is, with following nights being shortened to 24 hour deadlines

Twilight will stay 24 hours for the foreseeable future


Alexander has died. It was a noise alias.

Fibonacci has died. It was @Hippopablompoyeetus, who was:


Dr. Frankenstein

You are the poster child for mad scientists, a college student who managed to discover the secret to life itself and subsequently use it to create a living being. Unfortunately, this experiment was not to your liking, and managed to cause all sorts of problems partially out of your own negligence, including like, four murders. Oops.

Health: 10
Might: 3

The Secret To Life (And Consequently Death) (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Unethical Science
Active, Unlimited, Utility, B/H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS is protected from 6 damage tonight. If this ability is successful, the following night, target ALIAS may not submit a standard shot, and you will receive a 2 Might vigilante shot that must be used during the following night, or it will expire.

Monster Mash
Active, Unlimited, Disruptive, H, Targeted 1

Any actions ALIAS would target you with fail instead.

You win when you are one of the last 3 players alive.

Gary has died. It was @YoubutWorse, who was:


Luz Noceda

An eccentric, rebellious teenage girl from Gravesfield, Conneticut, your life changed forever when following a strange owl lead you to the Boiling Isles, a land ruled by witches and demons made out of the bizarre rotting corpse of a Titan. Quickly bonding with the infamous fugitive Edalyn Clawthorne, better known as The Owl Lady, you became her apprentice in order to finally acheive your dreams of being a real witch. Complications arose when it turned out that you lack the pus-filled sac attatched to the hearts of witches (who are, for reference, an entirely seperate species to humans) that grants them their powers. Fortunately, you’ve figured out how to draw glyphs which draw from the innate magic of the Titan to cast spells anyway!

Health: 10
Might: 3

The Human Witch!
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Glyph Magic
Active, Cycling, ?

Use one of the following abilities. You may not reuse abilities until all of them have been used, either as a part of this action or of Glyph Combos.

Basic Glyphs

Fire Glyph
Utility, Targeted 1, B

ALIAS’s actions cannot be blocked, redirected, delayed, or modified.

Ice Glyph
Disruptive, Targeted 1, H

Any actions ALIAS would target you with fail instead.

Plant Glyph
Damaging, Targeted 1, H

ALIAS takes 2 damage.

Light Glyph
Utility, Targeted 1, B

ALIAS is protected from 6 mt of damage tonight.

Glyph Combos!
Active, Special, 2-shot, ?

Twice per game, you may use one of the following abilities. Both Glyphs named in the ability must be unlocked in the Glypu Magic ability, and will be locked whether the action succeeds or fails.

Advanced Glyphs

Invisibility Glyph
Disruptive, Targeted 2, H

Requires Ice Glyph and Light Glyph. Any actions taken by ALIAS1 and ALIAS2 targeting you or each other will fail instead.

Monster Summoning
Utility, Targeted 1, H

Requires Plant Glyph and Fire Glyph. If ALIAS began the night with 4 HP or less, they die regardless of protection. Otherwise, ALIAS’s basic attack fails.

Damaging, Targeted 1, H

Requires Plant Glyph and Ice Glyph. ALIAS takes 1.5 damage rounded down for each other alias who has visited or would later visit them. This ability cannot deal more than 5 damage.

Disruptive, Targeted 2, H

Requires Fire Glyph and Ice Glyph. ALIAS 1’s single-target Active Beneficial or Harmful (choose one) abilities are redirected to ALIAS 2. Any abilities not redirected this way are blocked. Beneficial/Harmful abilities count as both beneficial and Harmful. You are not considered to visit ALIAS 2 by other roles.

Disruptive, Targeted 1, B/H

Requires Fire Glyph and Light Glyph. ALIAS is protected from up to 8 damage tonight, and their actions fail.

Pep Talk
Active, Unlimited, Instant, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS may use their Basic Attack an additional time tonight.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.

PineapplePizza has died. It was @thepigeonnyc, who was:


Earth Vellumental


You are a giant origami turtle living in the depths of Picnic Road, worshipped as a god by a group of Koopa Troopas who live there. You’re usually peaceful, but act aggressive towards Mario and co., only calming down after your defeat. As your name implies, you’re capable of controlling the earth, sending earthquakes and tremors at your opponents.

Health: 13
Might: 3

Sandblast (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Active, Unlimited, Utility, H, Targeted 1

ALIAS’s Basic Attack fails.

Active, Unlimited, Utility/Low, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS is protected against 4 damage. ALIAS is healed for health equal to unused protection provided by this ability.

You win when you are one of the last 3 players alive.

Silveric has died. It was @Leafia, who was:


Trisscar Swordmaid


You are an escaped slave squirrel on a journey for revenge against the ferrets who imprisoned you and killed the slaves assisting your escape. You eventually found your way to Redwall Abbey, where you took up the legendary Sword of Martin and defended the Abbey against an invasion from the aforementioned Pure Ferrets. You managed to defeat the ferrets’ leader in a duel, finally getting your revenge for all of your friends who she killed.

Health: 10
Might: 4

Sword of Martin (Basic Attack):
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Rallying Cry
Active, Unlimited, Low, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS may use their Active abilities an additional time the following Night.

Disarming Strike
Active, Unlimited, Utility, H, Targeted 1

If ALIAS would exceed 6 protection tonight, they gain only protection that would bring them to 6 protection instead.

Active, Unlimited, Utility, H, Targeted 1

ALIAS’s Might is decreased by 2 until the end of the night.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.

A message has appeared!

A bounty has been placed on Thorn Princess! Their killer will receive a prize if they die tonight

Night 4 Playerlist (21)


Night 4 Alias List (23)

Alan Walkmann
Cinema Rolls
Giles Corey
Happy Mask Salesman
Hatsune Miku
Indie Proof
Mister Tickle
The Letter A
Thorn Princess

Night 4 will begin once I’ve unloaded my dishwasher

Please don’t talk until then

okay night 4 starts now have fun

oh my god people actually died.

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Top 3 let’s goooooooooooo!!!