EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

By forgetting to submit actions, or forgetting your own alias?

the second


i’m miku


I find this title especially hilarious for some reason.

Postgame is going to be wild.

Wait we aren’t there yet?

Reminder to lock in your actions once you’re ready.

I am going to sleep

If locks happen they will be processed in the morning



I should sleep too it’s 2:30 am

If I wake up, and actions aren’t locked
I’ll post another video every hour until the night ends

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this is a video dedicated to Italy

This is your memorial to the fallen.

no specifically Italy
since it’s literally our interaction

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for dead chat
and scorbunny

Italy came to me begging for me to help them kill Scorbunny, and after some thought I told them to go get someone like Atlas to help them. That is why scorbunny almost died.

I don’t regret it either, cause I was told by someone else that scorbunny told them that i needed bunny dead if I wanted to end game

Don’t you just love it when a song perfectly encapsulates a scene from your games, or a certain interaction, or a certain player?

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Then blizer random strikes tvem down the next night
which made me laugh so hard


“if only I could kill scorbunny”
“oh why didn’t you start out with that, continue your thought”