EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

Italy first message to me

“Let’s talk” is the title

now is the first message

then this


my god it’s so hilarous rereading it
like I literally gave the man everything he wanted because he was Italy
I straight up told him I wouldn’t have done all this for literally anyone besides him

it didn’t help that my alias is nemesis
the goddess of revenge

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oh damn was I supposed to keep that secret

When all the dead revive to get revenge on you.

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I didn’t even do anything to them
besides the people I attacked
or besides bunny

I healed Bunny too :cry:

Oh well. :crazy_face:

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I actually valued them as an ally
I just couldn’t justify not letting Italy drive a tank through their door when I know the type of player scorbunny is

good morning


how you doing


that’s not an answer

I’m doing alright

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wanna see a pic of Italy’s cat



Everyone is locked

See you in about half an hour

Results will be sent if game is not over

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Game is over.

Flips will be after I have eaten breakfast.