I pronounce it gey duh
Why does everyone other than the two I want knowledge from answer?
why is this thread nearing 1000 posts
Because we need to pass the time somehow
why arent you nearing 1000 posts
im retired
idk but im blaming pawn lelouch
catboys are ruining this forum
are you a mom against catboys
im scared to say yes
but i am against catboys
i blame my german
silent es dont exist
also how is that a silent e theres two consonants between the e and the other e
The world may never know
S m h
what did i do to you ):
Did you forget we’re on FoL?
8 down is probably empty
Or possibly witty/salty
I agree that 6 down is pre-gaming
hi chloe.
hi mistyx.
No it isn’t it’s gey dey
The e is automatically translated to a in my mind so like
I don’t even know what sound you are making unless you are saying that you are literally using the e sound which is
just ew there imo