Elements [7]

Blood bending though.

Which is part of water bending, if you watched either seriesā€¦

(Yeah, you can argue that metal bending is part of earth bending, but those two generic enough to be different.)

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the earth is 70% water

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Whatā€™s wood bending? I donā€™t remember that in the first show.

Wood is a daoist element. (and metal as well.)

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Is pregaming allowed?

Actions are simoultanous, what pregaming you want?

Strategising during signups.

Check your facts right.
The Earth is 70% water, but earth isnā€™t necessary to contain water.

Isnā€™t Litten started it already?

Also Iā€™m fine with it, if all corresponding PM include both hosts.

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In/ as Air

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It isnā€™t a strict 6. It just the best amount I can alone handle.
(well, I was planning to play without a co-host in the first place.)

Game will start at
(aka in 10 hours)

So I will still accept signups until 1 hours before game start.

This will be my first time so i might need help

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/in as Fire

Naturally, Iā€™d be fire.

thatā€™s fire

I wonā€™t be around until around five hours after that, I hope itā€™s okay.

I didnā€™t create any allaijcesbifbghatsvwhat you are asking

i didnā€™t actually expect to be inned, that was meant to be a joke

/out sorry

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magnus trying to larp as freddy krueger

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