ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze



holy hell

I wish to multiply every numerical value by 10

no, thats WAY 20 many.

do you get it. do you get it Jake

Damn, didn’t realise you’re a time traveller.
Since you somehow posted 30 mins before SoD based on what you said :stuck_out_tongue:

In the game where I can’t self vote?! I feel betrayed

L-5 doesn’t exactly sound dangerous

Anyway, I’m time to do this
Though this is fairly vanilla, so less mechanical solving sadly.

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jaiden, do you like wolfing or nah?

VOTE: Corrupted_Dreamer

I don’t know you which means you should die /j

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its really dangerous. my friend kyle was on L-5 once and he was dead minutes after. Of course it was the Red Citroen C1 which made him the victim of vehicular manslaughter but i cant shake the feeling that L-5 had something to do with it


quietly ticks off “mention vehicular manslaughter” on my todo list

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fuck yeah. wolfing is great
its like playing a character but i get to play the coolest character, me

…i can’t say ive enjoyed my wolfgames here very much though. i think if i did thatd be concerning because they have SUCKED

I think both games I’ve been in where you were scum you were executed d1

And one of them was a cfd

so true. guava are you genie


Was really tempted to say yes but I am once again vt