ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Excuse me what the fuck did you just say?
That’s terrible!

That doesn’t help us solve at all.

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We need to have people flip so we can learn from peoples’ flips.

It sounds like you’re flipping nicely

Your uncle dancing losslessly under the red moon’s light

Good Afternoon

I was given a wish

I used that wish to ask if leafia and guava are the same alignment

the answer was yes, they are

so either 2 mafia 2 town

I asked because I felt at least one was probably mafia, but if we vote one and it’s town, mafia will kill the other and we’ll lose a confirmed. simultaneously if both are mafia and we don’t vote one to find out we’re fucked

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what’s the current ratio

of mafia to town I mean


If that’s the case we should no vote and see who dies imo

not just for the info but because there is a huge lack of coordination rn

Feel like jake is just someone that’s played a bad town game and it’s too late to vote them out for it, think zone is mafia, on the surface what he’s done and contributed looks good but when you look deeper at his votes I find it hard not to get pissed off or confused. I think leafia and zone might have been porn acting when they went after each other tbh, didn’t feel all that genuine to me, possibly mafia together but that wouldn’t make sense bc I don’t see guava in that world.

If guava and leafia are town I’d say zone and beancat are probably mafia

Nvm, I actually think bean is town after reading their iso

idk if IceT is town but I cba to care ngl

best play here is to nc for extra info and genie wish, use that genie wish to comparethe alignments one of leafia and guava with a dead town, and go step by step from there