ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

New POE: [Leafia, Kiiruma, beancat/Jaiden].

Fine. I guess I will go after Jaiden third, but first I need to execute the hell out of Leafia and Kiiruma. (Or at the very least wish I can because I predict that nobody will follow the crazy fool that is Zone.)

  • Jakeā€™s following me for some reason; canā€™t be bothered to check why; Iā€™ll just pray he stays on Leafia.
  • Guavaā€™s voting Kii; solid choice. Dunno why nobody else is following this wagon; their WiM must be low as ****; the mafia did a job well done by killing the loud people; guavaā€™s probably next.
  • Kiiruma is voting Jake while Leafia is voting CD. This is to be expected. I expect Leafia/Kiiruma to be a voting block against Jake/Icet/CD. Theyā€™re just waiting for people to take the bait if said people were to ever regain their WiM.
  • Icet, Jaiden, beancat, CD are not voting. Yep, yep. Holy shit, 30 hours have passed and they are no better than dead peopleā€“actually, no. That would be rude towards the dead people because at least the dead people have done things that got them killed. Yep, yep.

So basically there are 5 people who are playing this game, of which 2 are mafia. The rest are as good as slankers, ignoring whatever excuse they have. Kewl.

Kiiruma (1): guavagudetama

If the ninth allows it
This game feels fucked but Iā€™m just gonna keep voting for people I think are scum :+1:t2:
The three people Iā€™m most confident are town all have super conflicting reads

ā€¦why minor

Itā€™s so vague and the fact that Jakeā€™s not using it for any sort of investigative thing when weā€¦ very much need it rn is why I ended up voting there.

YBW wouldā€™ve granted my first proposal until @Dum fucken ruined it.

Explain your wish and result, now

Well, the thing is that I kinda canā€™t because of how it was granted without it becoming entirely inneffectual. Think of it like the quantum mechanical Double-Slit experiment wherein observation of the experiment alters the result.

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VOTE: Jake

Does this help

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It does, actually.

Me: ā€œHey guys, if someone has a wish they should use it to investigate what the wolves are doing or some sort of copā€

Jake: ā€œHi, so, I decided to throw a bunch of words into a sentence and it now existsā€


Iā€™m lowkey irritated rn lol.
I voted Jake in the first place because I considered I could be wrong on Icet and then I saw what Jake said aboutā€¦ how they ā€œwished for 1 minor thing to changeā€ and I was like ā€˜Yeah, I dunno man, this just ainā€™t towny so I found my voteā€™

And now whatever the fuck this continuation isā€¦ What

Look, YBW said that theyā€™d reward creativity, and creativity is what I did.

We need something to help us have any sort of direction.
We donā€™t need Dr. fucking Seuss here.

The lorax speaks for the trees and yet I donā€™t see a tree man in this game.
All I know is weā€™re lost in the fucking forest.

Oh, it will help us. Just not in a straightforward way.

The best paths often arenā€™t straightforward.

Please do forgive me if I am:
1 - Sceptical
2 - Irritated

For right now you seem to be makingā€¦ less than any amount of sense to me.
If you canā€™t explain your wish to us then why should we trust itā€™s actually gonna help us at all.
For all we know you could be evil and this wish could hurt us.

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Oh yeah, thereā€™s also like a 25% chance that CD might die with no flip, so thereā€™s that to look forward to.