ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

if we don’t go jake I want kiiruma

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(Which is ironic because Ashlyn is N2’s kill, implying that mafia either thought she was Genie or simply townier than everyone else.)

Hey now. There is no need for attacking the Genie. I am sure that they are doing their best. Attack the play; not the player.

Oh I forgot that I had a pretty good idea of who genie is

Kiiruma gives me amd odd one out energy

I’d recommend against going for me, but not gonna elaborate further.
After all, rn, this is obscure enough that I could be softing PR or not, mafia doesn’t know.

this shit especially made me suspicious of kiiruma, seem,s pretty backwards of what the scumlist should be imo

this vote here seems halfassed too

Ah welcome to a summary of me “Pretty backwards”
I hate to say this but we all have reads

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If Jake doesn’t come back at 1 hour before EOD (i.e. if he doesn’t arrive by 2023-04-13T20:00:00Z), then we should lock our votes on him.

Unless I am missing or forgetting something, then there should be no issues with this plan.


Zone 1: “Zone, if you’re forgetting anything, then it’s probably the fact that you want Kiiruma dead.”

Zone 2: “Yeah, I know. CD has the same mindset as me, but I want to resolve Jake first. Especially after the wish-holder claim.”

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Seems like a good thing to forget ngl.
Plus I want to resolve Jake because the way he handled the wish sounded suspicious.
And now it’s a doubleclaim?

“Doesn’t agree with me = scum”

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Seems like that’s the extent of CD’s reads.


Like there are good points against Kiiruma
If there wasn’t a wish counterclaim my vote would literally be on Kiiruma
But that is not a good point

Well I didn’t say it

You’re god damn right, problem?

If from my perspective I look at an individual and reach a conclusion, and then someone has the exact opposite of that conclusion, you try to see their pov too and think about whether it seems genuine, didn’t feel like it was with kiiruma because the reasons they had felt pretty weak in comparison to the counters I had on the table

But what you said was not “it doesn’t seem genuine” or “their reads feel weak,” all you said was “I think it should be the opposite”
Thanks for clarifying what you actually meant because now I understand it

I’m not saying that I’m always right but I sure as hell will say that I put confidence in myself and that you’re going to need damn good reasons to tell me I’m wrong

I mean that is a skill issue on your part, when someone scumreads someone else because their reads do not align, it can always be extrapolated to what I just said using common sense