ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze


ty for understanding, please apply this principle before you try to boil down me or anyone elseā€™s reads to some oversimplified statement in an attempt to invalidate it or make it look less substantial.

I said sure because I wanted to end the conversation but since youā€™re still talking
Maybe if you donā€™t want to be misinterpreted you could actually say what you mean clearly
It was obvious to you what you meant because you thought it in your own head so you thought that it didnā€™t need explaining
But as you must have learned by now other peopleā€™s brains function differently from yours and weā€™re not all just going to understand what you meant
You even said yourself I was meant to just extrapolate the meaning, yet you donā€™t like people putting words in your mouth?
Iā€™m going to take the things you say at face value because this game is stressful as it is and I donā€™t have time to decode hidden meanings from your message
If you say someone is suspicious you have to explain why ā€” youā€™re pretending as if you did that but you didnā€™t and then got mad at me when I didnā€™t understand something that you hadnā€™t even said yet

I didnā€™t explain this well
What I mean by this is you want me to guess what you meant by what you said but if I guess wrong youā€™re gonna get mad

we are going in circles, failure to understand and extrapolate is a skill issue, choosing to try and oversimplify and instigate rather than ask for elaboration is once again a skill issue, is the form of mafia you guys play here so half baked that you think you can get away with that nonsense?

VOTE: Corrupted_Dreamer


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Oh, the number of players alive was written at the top, Iā€™m lowkey a bellend

I wanna know why people are voting leafia tbh

I know I said jake is probably mafia before but I think I might be playing a little too level juan there lol, Iā€™m also less of a fan of the way that kiiruma got onto the vote, I swear every vote Iā€™ve seen kiiruma make hasnā€™t felt that genuine or like it had enough to convince me to ever want to vote with them, I think theyā€™re mafia

We should probably kill kiiruma or into the parity pair, Iā€™m taking Icetā€™s word for it that zone is town, worst case scenario icet is mafia pocketing zone

ftr, goon is just basic mafia correct

I didnā€™t read roles until I got a wish bc I was vt and assumed it wouldnā€™t be relevant, bottom line for me is find red role, kill red role, eliminate redundancy in-between

Super sheepy and it feels like heā€™s trying to push Jaidenā€™s misinterpretation ofvwhat I said.

Incorrect. Although I do townread the two of you right now.

Iā€™ve even been pretty vocal about that.

These reads are so bad I lowkey donā€™t see a wolf saying this.

Sorry, but weā€™re not dying and even if I do die, people wonā€™t listen to you because theyā€™ll see that Iā€™m a villager here. I think even you have realized that by now. You just wonā€™t admit it to yourself.

Youā€™re literally preflipping right now. Stop it.

A villager would reveal their wish.

Definitely not the worst wish that couldā€™ve been made.

Definitely not the worst idea Iā€™ve heard. Maybe, just maybe, you really are a villager after all.

Yeah. Rely starting to think I was wrong on you being a wolf here.

Jake has my vote. Willing to take CD out of my PoE for now too.

This is literally the stupidest plan Iā€™ve ever heard of regardless of your alignment.

You suposedly think Iā€™m a villager and Jake is a wolf and you seriously want to execute me so wolves can then kill Guava tonight?

You just donā€™t want a confirmed villager in the game. Youā€™re literally openwolfing right now.

Weā€™re fliping Jake first. Or Ice. Both are acceptable.

My spiritual vote is on Jake. Not voting now to prevent the possibility of a hammer.

Leafia I was wrong, itā€™s f9, not f8

nc on f9 means nc on f8 too, genie will die

might as well just take the mc we have now

Yā€™know what? I can work with this.

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Temporary truce.

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