ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts đŸ€“ <- katze

I won’t lie the only reason I think Kii is town is D1

It wasn’t really clear why they voted jake either

I have a skewed perspective of the game but this post right here:

Neither one of them did a whole lot of actually aggressive murdering of the other tbh

Didn’t feel any tension in the isos lol

I don’t know if this is the intention of the hosts, and I CBA to check, so how about you go ask this in your own Role PM?

I have a wish. If–Wait. You’re not ruining this. I am misreading something. I thought you wanted to take away the wish.

Icet, what exactly do you wish to say in the original post? All this time, I am just afraid that you are trying to find a loophole to take my wish away, but what are you actually trying to do here?

Oh. That simple. Then yeah, you either need to re-eval Kiiruma or you’re just scum. (Which is damn unfortunate, after all the time we spent together townreading each other.)

Bullshit. If I am scum, then all I have to say is just: “Kiiruma is scum,” and all the attention will go towards Kiiruma instead.

–wait, no. I think I am misreading you again.
For starters: I have the wish. You cannot claim I don’t have the wish. This is just a fact that will be cleared in due time.
My issue is the BS that people like you will spout if I were to use said wish on my own. Hence why I am planning to give it away to Guava, so you people can’t BS your way out to push me.

Bruh. That’s just as random as stating the obvious fact that CD used the N2 wish to parity check Leafia/Guava.

Just look at this log:

> Zone: CD, you’ll just say I am scum regardless of what I say.
> Icet: Scum can say both things.
> Zone: I know, which is why I gave my wish to Guava.
> Icet: CD doesn’t like Guava. I have nothing against it though.

okay, in hindsight it is less random than I thought.
–no. It’s still random. But whatever. You made your point. You just speak whatever was on your mind. For some reason.

wait a fucking minute. The post chain wasn’t even talking about the fact that CD doesn’t like Guava!

> CD: Zone, if you tell me Kiiruma is town, then you’ll die in his stead.
> Zone: Bullshit. CD, you’ll just say I am scum regardless of what I say.
> Icet: Scum can say both things.
> Zone: I know, which is why I gave my wish to Guava.
> Icet: CD doesn’t like Guava. I have nothing against it though.

So I was right! You’re just spouting random things that was already mentioned before!

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If they killed you, then everyone would know that Leafia and Guava are paired, and most likely people would rather believe they are both town rather than both being mafia.

Like, in hindsight it doesn’t really matter much, I guess. It’s not as if you’re ever going to be mafia after what you did to Jake at D3.


Zone are you mafia

why did you scumread beancat

feels like you tagged them, knew their role and then scumread them so that when you killed them the following night you could go “omg, they killed my sus”

Ugh. So anyhow, back to the waiting game we go, because I already sent my wish.

(Multiple wishes actually, but I keep retracting all but the last wish. Hopefully Guava takes the wish instead of me learning Kiiruma’s alignment.)

In the meantime, there is nothing else to be discussed IMO.

VOTE: Achro

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So to confirm, you gave your wish to guava?


POE. I literally explained it to you, but you just don’t fricking read:

what’s the likelihood of hosts accepting a cop check in f6

2355 wasn’t even about the game though

For the 5th time or so: YES.
Or at least, supposedly:

they were talking about out of game stuff

I don’t read your posts because they are long and the format on this site is confusing and weird to navigate

I don’t fucking care. They said in the third example that it was allowed. They allowed scum to shoot the Genie and bring us to MYLO. What makes you think they won’t allow another bullshit wish anyway?

good point, if mods don’t accept it I will be pissed

Ah, great. So my words are meaningless to you.
We’re losing this game because you read wallposts as white noise. Great. FUN-FUCKING-TASTIC.

(â•ŻÂ°â–ĄÂ°ïŒ‰â•Żïž” ┻━┻