ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Good news and bad news.
Bad news: It’s stuck in processing limbo.
Good news: It ought to be resolved before 2023-04-15T21:00:00Z ends.

If it’s still unresolved by then, then feel free to execute me. I already tried my best, and ironically my best entails giving up my wish to someone else.

If the wish transfer is rejected, then I’m stuck with Kiiruma’s alignment with no credit to my name, which is the equivalent of death, I suppose.

zone what timezone are you

Whatever timezone Amsterdam has.
IIRC GMT+1 with daylight saving time.


Achro, who subbed in for Jaiden, hard defended Jake, who flipped wolf.

I originally have nothing on Jaiden though. That is, other than Arctic’s words, saying she tried to be opportunistic at EOD1, which in the end turned out to not matter at all because both wagons were town.

true, that looks fuggin terrible

idk man, I feel weak waiting on info from wishes, but I think it’s my best bet rn, I was thinking about it with myself in my sleep last night and I was told kiiruma was mafia

I stand by my defense tbh, the reasons as they were presented didn’t seem great.

It’s 02:40 AM now. I need to work at 09:00 AM.
I’ll go to sleep now.

I have some inbetween breaks between 9 AM and 6 PM, but expect low activity until 2023-04-15T17:00:00Z give or take. (This is 7 PM for me.)

for example

Zone said he would vote Jake if he didn’t show up. Then he voted him even though Jake showed up. Botched bus tbh

were there good reasons presented about anyone this game? (don’t count reasons that came from yourself)

I said we should lock our votes on Jake if he doesn’t show up; I never said we should let Jake go if he showed up.

I only waited to hear out his POV as to why he claimed to be the wish-holder. The argument sucks, so I voted him.

I haven’t read much lol x). But to be fair before then it was all town lynches. I think CD is right on the money with kii being paired with jake tho

Jake was scummy, they made a crackpot theory and tunneled that theory all the way into day three at which point they sold the game by claiming to have a wish and then outing that the genie had been tagged, the only reason they weren’t eliminated earlier was because of poor reads and votes from people like guava saying that my want to kill between zone, jake, hazard and guava was me trying to control the game from a mafia perspective

I do admit I don’t usually think scum do such silly things and I have seen town do similar. Obviously this was correct in the end, but what I was being presented with in real time felt soft so I explored people’s reads. I liked my eod tbh.


this is why reudundancy is to be eliminated, I hope you all emply this philosophy in your future games

Yeah I just meant what I was being given in real time at that eod felt light.

Try to remember I replaced in like an hour before eod I was doing my best lol x)

If kiiruma is town, then why didn’t jake try to pivot to them with me

I think Kiiruma is a wolf