ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Ah, merde. Processing limbo.
…well FWIW it’s resolved in 24 hours.

this is silly now that I’ve read the rest of thread between what I was replying to and now

Zone I’m struggling to remember do you think Icet is town

TL;DR just like how Icet is forcing me to be scum, I am forcing you to be scum.
(Huh… So I am a hypocrite after all.)


Prior to SOD4: Yes.
Post SOD4: Unfortunately no.

I hate this game

it’s the arrow circle button next to the hammer to unvote


so you think it’s Achro/Icet then?

I just read through arctic’s log’s, bro was on some death note shit

Well, no. It’s Achro paired with either Icet or Kiiruma.

I phrased my question poorly then mb :+1:

when does wish get announced

10pm tmrw?

I think it just gets announced whenever to hosts process it

ic, hopefully you get wish soon then

Like, I’ve been trying to stay neutral between Icet/Kiiruma (though this may be not the case subconsciously), but considering Icet has me as lockscum over Kiiruma, I’m kind of thinking it’s him, which -again- is unfortunate as we were both townreading each other prior to D4 because we both townread CD.

Sorry if I missed it, why is jaiden scum?