ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

I feel like you need a better imagination tbh



Wolves can say all aort of really random and off the wall things.

It doesnt lessen any of my points againat kiiruma tbh

I can see why people are annoyed when people answer questions that aren’t directed at them now

Do you notice how kiiruma doesnt actually engage with my solving anymore. He just pops in and goes yes repeatedly lol x(

Au contraire. They very much play for fun.
It’s like a site where most people are either like CD or like–Hm… who would be the equivalent of–I guess like Arctic.

It’s 3AM. I’m slightly tired.
I missed a monthly event that I was looking forward to because I ended up passing out yesterday due to not sleeping enough. So I’m kinda at the stage of annoyance in general at myself and like I’ve had enough of just being here

yeah I would have to see if he actually switches his vote in a tie
but if he did that it would hammer :skull: and we can’t really have that
unless Kiiruma’s scum like I think he is. but if you’re scum with like Icet or something that’s game

Those are the circumstances of life true.

I feel i have provided an excellent coherent case today with both meta and logical points breaking down kiiruma’s lack of progression. If thats not enough then it isnt enough tbh

True …but that doesn’t change my stance.

Your death is more warranted than that of Icet or Kiiruma.

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I mean i think you are a wolf so its chill

Huh. Kiiruma / Zone mindmeld.

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I think Kiiruma is scum.
I’m just theorising like, “did you play me like a fucking fool”
and also when Kiiruma flips… I’m starting to think about Icet/Kiiruma as a possibility again
not that it really matters? unless they choose to kill CD over me tonight LOL

How about we don’t flip me.
And we flip a wolf.

Whose slot has very clearly been teamed with Jake’s slot for basically the whole game.

cuz if I die
CD thinks I’m literally stupider than braindead
CD thinks I have like negative IQ he’s not listening to me
and you have your own ideas, you wouldn’t be listening to me either

so what I think doesn’t matter unless I somehow live tonight as confirmed town LOL

Cant be kii icet icet didnt hammer me when he had the chance iirc

OH YEAH forgor

who’s his teammate in your pov again?