ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Actually tbf i didnt

I meant kii flipping wolf lol

…you do realize that I am not the one doing the “heel turn”, right? It’s Guava.

I am merely setting up the stage for him to decide over our fate.

Nah guava is friend who just needs confidence.

You said “Kii being wolf”, so your arguments are invalid.

This is why word choice is important.

Well we’ll see if guava gains confidence and realises the truth this game.

Okay but i was clearly talking about the flip since i mentioned f4 lmao

Do not play petty tricks with me sorcerer

Yes. Yes…
Your flip, that is.

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Here roams the elusive wolf, prowling around and seeking for weaker creatures to be able to face off against. It is an expert of hunting, aptly named the “Best Scum Player” due to knowing how to wrap others around their finger and end up victorious even in the unlikeliest of means.

In its natural habitat it decides to go for those who are seen as good targets to remove and says arguments which while sounding fancy don’t really do anything but make other people think kindly of them. The elusive and luring call of this beast of a player makes it very hard to escape… and when they attach themselves to you, it is one web that nobody truly can get themselves out of.

Avoid this wolf at all costs or you will find yourself in grave peril.

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Okay, but for real though, let’s not flood this thread with fluff. We already know CD will skim past long posts; we don’t need to add more fluffposts to justify his (in)actions.

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Fine, I honestly just made that because it fits the mood of the game

this sentence puts me in a predicament, because now I want both of you to lose the game but I think you’re different alignments so at least one of you has to win

What if… (and this might be wild to say) Zone/CD are just T/T?

I’d love if they’re W/W because then me/Achro have been incredibly tunnelvisioned but I don’t think it’s the case

if the team was Zone/CD we already lost the game LMAO

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also I think it’s vile that y’all pinged me 6 times

and the worst part is I have literally no response to any of it

why did Leafia have to die
I could have been voted out today if someone else had died and then at least it wouldn’t be my fault when we lose

So you have no reason to scumread Kiiruma/Zone over Achro/Icet?

Look, just look at the 3 slots guava and take your time.
We have 2 hrs.
If you make the right decision here, you always die tonight.

Then you won’t need to worry about it.

No worries man. This looks like a stressful game. You did your best. I wont bitch at you post game.

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