ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

mild aside:
goddamn i’m good at fm

dybu dabu dybu dabu

fuck ive been dybu dabu dybu dabu’d

Ashlyn whats your favourite burger

jake have you been to a play before

no :pensive:


this is me asserting my current existence in thread

My university does something called patty melts, which are burgers but on butterbread with butter and they’re definitely giving me diabetes but they’re delicious. i get them with cheddar cheese and pickles.
alternatively, ihop’s burgers are unironically top tier and fucking delicious, the issue is their pancakes are also top tier and fucking delicious and i’d usually rather go for some ny cheesecake pancakes
homemade burgers can be delicious if they’re made right, which they rarely are
you need to have em soft and juicy, yk?

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i knew she did this in another game but i couldn’t remember exactly where. now i kinda just wanna sit here tbh lol

VOTE: eliza

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I hope things improve for you soon.

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yes soft and juicy
i like burgers but i barely ever get them out. ive never had one match a home made burger so id rather spare the disappointment and get something i know will be to my liking

@Arctic burger thoughts please

oh arctic also can you give a quick reads list id like to see your overall thoughts after everything

i have acquired one


This is so evil I’m so hungry rn

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sister that is a sandwhich

the other day i made bao bun burgers. they were soooo yummy

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Do you have any reads yet :relaxed::relaxed:

i have been making them the entire time and you have been interacting with them