ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Jake is probably a good vote imo, everyone’s allowed toi have their own playstyle and all but I read through like 50 of their messages and most of it was shitposting, either mafia or town not being too serious, don’t feel like trying to figure it out further down the line

VOTE: IcetFeelsPain



VOTE: Kiiruma


I’ve played other games with Icet so we’re friendly, them wanting me to talk has nothing to do with their alignment and voting them for that will incur my wrath, not trying to spend the rest of d2 onward playing with people I don’t even know, smh

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i’d really recommend trying to catch up on everything because we don’t really have any mech stuff to catch up on. it’s also going to be quite hard for other people to read you if you haven’t read the game. but if that’s too much then i’d suggest reading the iso’s of certain people, maybe ones you know, and giving thoughts on them at least.

you could start by explaining why you think i’m mafia, for the rest of the class. i already think you’re town from this post but i’m still curious.

completely unrelated
@Zone_Q11 what’s up with you this game? i feel like you’ve normally got to grips on the game by now

not reading thread obviously makes them scum /j

think you’re mafia for overexplaining your thought process, seems like you’re super conscious of the fact that people will ask for reasons for your words and actions and I think that it’s tied to your alignment, will see more as the game goes on though

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lol thats literally what I do

what’s what you do, my previous statement was directed at arctic btw

honestly my response is basically the same as jake’s. you don’t have to take this at face value, obviously you can look at some of my games if you want, but if you ask around you would find out pretty quickly that explaining my thoughts in depth is not a very good indicator of my alignment since it’s something i can and do do as both town/mafia

by the way, you can see what post people replied to by clicking this

? Wat

Your two self meta pictures prove you dont read chat around your iso’s.

And yeah i am the arsonist you got me lock me up

is ashlyn a player or a mod or smth, if they are a player, they are fine voting material imo

that’s the thing, it doesn’t feel like depth, it feels like inconclusivity with excess talk

ok but buddy can you try to be more like…

not look like youre just begging for town reads and dont know what to do bc thats the vibe im getting

how do I quote stuff

highlight and click quote

Maybe i have the vibe of “i dont know what to do” is because I literally dont. You are gut reading me. Something i cant defend myself against cause you havent given me anything to discuss

These tropes are guidelines based off of general behavior mafia tends to exhibit compared to town. Thus these are not 100% accurate and must be treated with care. Remember each individual scenario is unique and overreliance on them can result in negative play long term.

Mafia Trope #7 - Mafia love to be “confused” [this tends to be much more the case AFTER day 1 in larger games, and sometimes excludes Day 2 as well, depending on the context of the ‘c’ word being used]
Mafia Trope #12 - Mafia love to claim “PR” but don’t say which one.
Mafia Trope #15 - Mafia love to announce they are diving for logs and never actually provide any logs [this is more common in the last third of a game]
Mafia Trope #24 - When there’s a godfather, they love to say publicly for cop to check them.
Mafia Trope #32 - Mafia love sharing an early game “yeah town is not winning this” attitude with town after things go south really early [after day 1, but usually when there are still ~10 people left]

So your saying cause i am confused (which you know for a fact with all the games i have played with ya is a common occurrence with me) i am a scum

I’m confused, I’m the best pr in the game, to cure my confusion I will read logs, cop should check me to prove that I am town, from what I can see we’ve already lost this game though bro