ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

guava liked this post

what does that mean

it means that




rice rice baby

Also townleaning Kiiruma for now for this response

I liked your reasoning even if I am town, it made sense to me why you think Iā€™m scum

I didnā€™t really get Zoneā€™s reasoning, it felt like he thinks he caught me as scum saying something I shouldnā€™t be saying when in reality I just. it makes sense in my head and I donā€™t really care if it makes sense to anyone else because if Iā€™m right about the person being scum theyā€™ll figure out sooner or later that that person is scum

I was going to say that but I got into a match LOL

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time to read zone

CD could just come into thread and say these things to make sure his partners doesnā€™t die, regardless of whether suspicion is actually on them. but thatā€™s not why I quoted this I just realised there was a question in the post and he wasnā€™t just shooting my idea down

it feels like Zone is pushing me because my logic doesnā€™t make sense to him
which I donā€™t think is scum-indicative for anyone, especially not me since people on my homesite consistently call me stupid (lovingly, of course)
this happened in binary stars hydra joat10 when I pushed Achro
me and Zone were both town

True. Always has been.
With that in mind:

This piece of [REDACTED] argument is WIFOM.
You can replace CD with anyone and attach the same excuse and it will still work.

Ashlyn? Yeah, she dropped in, talked about me and Arctic, got disappointed and dipped out. She says these things to make sure her partners donā€™t die, regardless of who they are.

Jake? Yeah, he is saying generic nonsense background noise filter. He is doing this to make sure his partners donā€™t die, regardless of who they are.

The hosts? Yeah, they are just hosting a secretly bastard game. They are saying nothing to make sure their future partners donā€™t die, regardless of who these partners are.


Youā€™re using buzzwords incorrectly, but your overall (intended) argument is sound.

does generic background nonsense push specific people to die?

After guava dies, it will be my turn.
Finally, some peace and tranquility once more.

donā€™t say that as if itā€™s definite

Redirection of attention, ignoring the true message and instead focusing on the example and exaggerating it. Nice try, but no.

As for your question: Yes. From my experience, that is literally what any generic FoLā€™er does. They push some and sheep others.

me when I ask a clarifying question

Iā€™ll take your word for it I guess since I think youā€™re town

this is the part where I would put my vote back on Kiiruma if I wasnā€™t voting Eliza for the reason of ā€œIā€™m fighting for my life out hereā€

You say that as if you yourself are already convinced you will die.

Donā€™t blame me for talking. I am not the one who convinced your own heart to believe you will die.

YOU said that
you said ā€œafter Guava dies,ā€ implying I am going to for sure die

Right. ā€¦what was your case on Kiiruma again? I swear I only heard Icetā€™s reasoning, and his was just ā€œvibesā€.

Speaking of which, ignoring self-preservation, what are your thoughts on Eliza?

I am the one who hid my wish behind an implication. You were the one who convinced yourself that what I say will become reality.

Damn. I really wish I was scum right now.
This would either be gaslighting at its peak, or just some third-rate scum theater at worst.

ā€¦dunno whether this is worth my sacrifice to be honest. Guavaā€™s performance is really lacking if you ask me. Really? I think heā€™s holding up well. Nah, he isnā€™t up to par. I want more drama! Where is CD and Icet?