ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

*i.e. my sleep
It’s currently 7 AM.

this did and still feels wrong
and then they just completely lost motivation and gave up which makes me think they got “found out” and they’ve decided it’s pointless to continue
or they’re just upset idk :man_shrugging:
it’s not a strong case but it’s what I have

still null
I have a slight scum lean
and when I say slight I mean like
1% scum 0% town
it’s not something I would push on my own but considering I would like to continue being alive I will be voting this unless someone else wants to vote Kiiruma or CD who I don’t really trust

so you’re just manifesting my death got it :sob: :sob:

I cause a lot more drama on not-forum games
like I was in a game on instagram recently and I was one of the host’s favourite players because I was constantly causing drama
but this is too long-form and also I want the people here to not be annoyed with me so I can continue playing

they’re probably asleep?

Oh daaaamn :sob: :sob:

Hm… Fair enough.

Hm… No offense, but I’d still rather have you dead. Well, Kiiruma deserves death too if he ain’t explaining that “I did not AtE” AtE though.

I guess so.


ElizaThePsycho (3): Arctic, Kiiruma, guavagudetama
guavagudetama (3): beancat, IcetFeelsPain, Zone_Q11
Kiiruma (1): Leafia
Hazardwaste (1): Ashlyn
Arctic (1): ElizaThePsycho
Corrupted_Dreamer (1): JakeTheWolfie

Not Voting (3): Hazardwaste, Corrupted_Dreamer, Jaiden

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I am like that AC in your room that you don’t turn off even though it’s hella cold because you enjoy the sound of it.

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Help. I am becoming @Joker, creator of memes.
I need to stop. Why am I not sleepy!?

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I wonder when the others are going to wake up?

Probably an hour or four more. Maybe six or seven. They tend to wake up in the afternoon.

Okay. So for my first wish, I would like to wish to become a Compulsive Suicide Bomber.

For my second wish, I would like to become the following role: “Each night, choose a number between 1 and 3. You will get a positive feedback if the top wagon of the latest day has that many mafia in it. Otherwise you will get a negative feedback.”

For my scum wish, I would like for this game to no longer show everyone’s roles upon death, though alignments are still allowed to be shown.

For my death wish, I would like the hosts to give me a new Grand Idea role, and never post it on the GI Thread. I want to monopolize that role and use it in a future game for myself.

Shidou’s second MV makes me understand how he feels, but not what he has done. The latter can be extracted based on the implications of the former, but in the end all we have is pure speculations and not facts.

Throughout the entire video, there is something that’s been bothering me a lot. The price stickers, and the fact that they were all labeled 0,000 which implies they are worthless.

Perhaps this implies that the food are worth nothing compared to the price of life, which is why I got concerned around the 01:40 mark, when he gave one of these to his son.

While the MV shows us how he feels and implies some aspects of his past, Shidou’s main message in the end is -or perhaps ‘has become’- “I am a Doctor. I am useful. Therefore, spare me.”

Now, I am a spiteful person, and I happen to despise cultists. So when I “randomly” thought of Amane, I ignored all doubt and paranoia I have on Shidou immediately voted him as innocent. :slightly_smiling_face:

If Shidou’s murder is what I think it is he’s guilty
But also “fuck Amane” is a pretty compelling reasoning to vote Shidou innocent ngl

Gnosia Spoiler

Кукрушка. The doll who gained sentience.

It truly is an odd story, no? Jumping from timelines to timelines. Heck, perhaps even universes while you’re at it. After all, you cannot “save” Setsu without using a second save file. She needs your last piece of information, and you simply can’t achieve that with only one file.

Still… to think that the start of it all is also what ends it all. What a confusing game.

The audio is amazing, and I spent quite some time hunting the achievements. The error scenarios are funny too, I suppose.

I have forgotten too much, but I suppose my favorite character is Comet? Definitely not Yuriko though…

Is there a way to spoiler tag on this site

You can flag a post if you find that it breaks the site’s rules. The mods will spoiler the user after enough flags.

Gonna take that as a no

if u want to spoiler your own posts then you can do



@Zone_Q11 are you still awake


Revealing that they’re VT seems very bad here and disingenuous
Like a) help with hiding the one PR town has, but also b) this feels like asking for the wish
Both of which are red flags imo

Like this game is mostly VTs and it’s honestly fun getting to do the wishes and whatnot
This attitude from zone strikes me as not actually a VT
They do answer saying that the genie is “important” but
Using VT as a reason for low wim strikes me as very odd

My brain hurts and its 3am

Be back tmrw morning, ill continue reading zone

why will you die after guava?