ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

youve made literally no effort to read any of my posts and you admitted to it.
on top of that, youre clearly newer to the game given you didnt know what a cfd is and anyone just learning about a cfd nearing eod who sees a target with no votes would think to try one at least half heartedly here. if you believed what you were saying you would and im pretty sure of that given your status

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brilliant. fucking. deduction.
im not engaging with this anymore


.5 is because:

If 10 is lock town and 1 is lock wolf.
9 and 2 are 1 step ‘less’ for each category
Then 8 and 3
Then 7 and 4
Then 6 and 5.

So what is null? 5.5

yeah nvm i counted repeated mentions where you were explaining it to me/zone but that shouldn’t really count so disregard

[quote=“Arctic, post:1140, topic:4561”]
if she’s done nothing towny/scummy except the read i’ve pointed out

what is this referencing

If I had to lean one way I’d honestly say yall are TvT but I’m worried about one of yall powerwolfing.

broke the quote
question still stands

what’s this list lol

A read list, which Zone requested I do.

i should feel proud but i just feel sad

resisting the urge to “teach the new guy what a cfd is” based on a single post made at eod. i dont want to be that guy
i am NOT the cfder

“you’re either t/t or t/w or w/w idk lol”
I know you said they aren’t w/w but saying they’re x/x implies that you don’t know either alignment, if you thought they weren’t w/w it would be like t/x

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do not give a first hand demonstration, j

I am
VOTE: Corrupted_Dreamer

if you call me j i will eat your burger

…the moving vote read
i.e. the fact she clearly cares about how she’s coming across due to her moving her vote after zone was called her out

and there’s also the fact she expressed a desire to leave RVS but then did nothing to leave RVS

oh my gods. no.

I did puit effort into reading your posts but if I didn’t noone could blame me, most of what you say is just nonense that literally noone should care about

It would make more snse if they had asked that but I wanted them to reply to it. Not you.

Much better than the current wagons.

VOTE: Hazard

Me too although it’s a bit stronger than tinfoiling.

Townslip denied. Reason: Super fake.

They haven’t had a wish granted. Yet.

No. Hazard is way better.

If you think that now with how slow this game is being, I don’t think you’ll like the normal pace of things around here.

You do realize that mods can be players in games too right? Also, mods have a title saying they’re a mod next to their name. What you mean is host, not mod.

If someone you think is mafia is active, you should want to kill them more, not less.

CD is the exact opposite of obvtown.

How am I that high? I’ve barely posted.

I feel better about Eliza than I do about Hazard, so my vote on Hazard stands.

we’re not killing CD, he’s probably the most obvious town slot in the game, i am skill issue’ing all of you who suspect him right now, if this is wrong then you can collectively skill issue me in postgame but idt this is it